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Got my stuff, one question

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Got all my stuff from LC, super fast I might add. Should I add heat stabilizer to the whole gallon or add it to what I take out into the pyrex. I am using the 502. I am working on colors tonight so I will be messing with about 4oz at a time. I would like to know about how much I need to add to the gallon or per ounce.

thanks for any and all replies.

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I hate to respectfully disagree with Dave, but I have to concede with Chris on adding it to the gallon. Regardless of the colors that are added heat stabilizer is helpful in keeping the plastisol from scorching. I think I added 4 oz to my last gallon of 536 with good results. I just got a big batch of Calhoun, so I have not yet had a chance to test it in a Lee pot, much less open the bucket. The LC seems to do better in the microwave with some stabilizer added. Without stabilizer added, I find that the LVP tends to 'skin' a bit more in the cup and foam more at working temperature. I hope I am not too vague I just survived another 6 straight hours of Physics.... :wink::? School Damage,,,,

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depends on how fast you are pouring thru the plastic, also which colors. stabilizer tend to be more helpful with smoke, clear, light melon, purple, etc vs black, brwn, pumpkin, green pumpkin. not overly useful on the opaque colors except I think it does somehow enhance the flow through a lee pot.

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Guess I should have explained myself a little better.

I don't use stabilizer at all unless I'm pouring with heavy salt. I find that salt-less baits don't need it, regardless of color. I might just not be pouring as hot as some guys, but I never have a problem with scorching plastic unless salt is involved. I try to avoid the stabilizer because I can't stand the smell.

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OK , I have been making nothing but salty baits lately, except for a few personal batches of saltless stickbaits for the good old C-Rig. I agree the stabilizer smells like the bad ebd of a methlab exploding, but I htink it does help with my 1200 watt microwave, that thing goes from thaw to scorch in seconds.

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