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patrick reif

Quick Oxblood Topic

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do you prefer it more red or brown.

I'll be adding alot of fine blue flake.

Green pumpkin question???


I think flowering the salt will produce a more opaque green pumpkin color instead of the watermelon "back half" I'm seeing.


Edited by patrick reif
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Colors are a funny thing they vary so much you will just have to find out what your area likes. On the oxblood mine is more orange brown than red, and transperant. Green pumkin from LC is more opaque and greener than say Bears which is more transperant and a little more richer in green color. I think it is a personal thing. There is definatly no standard. Frank

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Greenpumpkin here in the midwest has to be more brown than green. MF's Greenpumpkin is the best for my area and I haven't had no compllaints on the greenpumpkin that I sell down in Texas.

Oxblood I belive is better more red out west. Haven't sold very much of it around where I live.

Best way to see what colors are good in your area is to check websites of the bigger companys in your area.

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Looks like this one from Basstackle:

basstackle worm mold

Bryan nailed it.

The biggest problem I've found with it is there is only one bolt to tighten down and it's near the back half of the mold. When I put pressure on the injector, The mold flexes and I get sprue. I pulled out a quick release clamp and mounted that near the head of the bait, and reduced the problem drastically.

It shoots easily, and the end product is a very nice worm.

As I was taught in the Marines, adapt and overcome

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