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Fluid Bed Filter

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I'm using the Allergy Pillow case cover material. Bought ONE pillow cover case on sale for $10.00, opened the seams so it was a flat piece of fabric and used it to make about 30 filter cup units. I made a template from some left over LEXAN and measured out 4 x 4 inch squares. Cut them out with a good pair of scissors then sealed with the glue/sealer that Cadman suggests on his diagram. Let it dry for about two days with a little bit of weight on top of the cups. Then used scissors for large trimming and Exacto knife for the close up work. I've got enough material left over for about 20 more should any of the current ones rip, etc.

Did I see somebody also suggest TYVEX envelope material?? I thought that material was moisture and wind proof? That's why construction crews wrap houses in it to keep wind infilitration out of the home, then they put siding material over top??

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I know I need to make more cups up, new mold uses 8/0 hooks, and I have to keep the cup filled as high as I can keep it so the nose of the jig doesn't hit the filter. Just bought some pvc pipe and am going to try the paper bag option. I know some did not like the coffee filter because it left to much air through, anyone ever double them up?

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Check your phone book, if you have a filter manufacturer in your area you may be able to get some left over hepa paper. I just googled filter paper, there are several places where you can buy it in small rounds, about 5 inch diameter. I work for a company that makes filters of all types for air filtration & I used a remnent from a roll of hepa type paper, works great.


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