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Lead Ban

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Critical thinking is gone in this country. Laws are thought up based on knee jerk panic emotional responses to a situation with no thought to the real effects of the law. Lets step away from fishing for a minute. Own an old house? Is there a cast iron pipe anywhere in that house? You have lead in your waste pipes all of the joints are packed with it. Your waste pipes may very well be lead and either way you get to pay to have it removed and replaced. That lead is going into the water. Lead removal requires a haz-mat team for extraction and disposal so you can add $ to that cost. Here in Iowa the law was changed on septic tanks on rural properties and now you have to put in a new septic system in order to sell your property. It’s for the environment so you can add $10,000 to that acreage if you’re buying it and if you are selling it I hope you have the $10,000 lying around to spend before you sell it. I’ll bet there is lead in those waste pipes so we can add even more to the selling cost of that acreage. If the yard is not big enough to support a new septic system you can’t sell it so you now own a parking lot in the country.

Taxes…. Look around your town, aren’t those old building neat? I bet we get to pay for all of that lead removal too!

Oregon taxpayers pay through the nose to burn the dirt from the shoulders of roads because it is considered haz-mat. When a road has construction work done the dirt from the shoulders is all shoveled up and bagged for transport as haz-mat to be cleaned. A vehicle may have leaked oil on the shoulder and it could run off into the local stream so it is haz-mat. Next time you see all those white sandbags at a road construction project put your hand on your wallet. I know it sounds silly but Oregonians pay to have clean dirty dirt! Most of the “Tree Huggers” who voted for clean water in Oregon were holding fishing rods when they voted. I'll bet they did not work for FOSS environmental.

Throw a rock in the pond and the waves spread and have to go somewhere.

Critical thinking. Who is making the money on this or any other legislation?

Edited by oldtoolsniper
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