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Dry, Chapped Hands And Solvents Used In Painting

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Hey guys,

If your like me then your hands and fingers get extremely dry this time of year and tend to break open. This can be a bit painful when solvents like denatured alcohol and acetone get into these cuts. I know some of you will say to use gloves, but I've tried and absolutely hate wearing them. What I've started doing is to place a small amount of super glue over the cut and once it dries it seals the cut keeping any solvents out. If you've only got one or two places where the dry skin has broken open then you might think this is a bit extreme, but at the moment I've got no fewer than 14 places on my hands and fingers where the skin has broken open with several of these places being up to 3/8 of an inch long. A few of the more tender spots are under and alongside the fingernail. Get a little acetone into these and it feels like your finger is on fire. Just thought I'd pass this along. It might keep you from uttering foul language in front of the wife and kids.


Edited by RayburnGuy
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I really like using Johnsons baby oil GEL.. It is thick and GGGEEEWWWEEE that really does it well..



Also Carmex (Stuff you put on lips ) in the jar is what I use first to get hands back into shape before Johnson's..

The stuff in the tube is great for another area I can only have you guess of.. :blink:



EDIT: I forgot to say what Epson Salts can provide..

Edited by onlyonmonday
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Ben-- I don't know about now, but 'super glue' used to have cyanide in it :o.

Lanolin is the best moisturiser there is, it's inexpensive here, BUT then we have plenty of sheep !!! ( oil off sheep's wool - Marino sheep) --All the nursing ladies here use it for cracked nipples, marvellous stuff :o. You should be able to buy it at any Pharmacist (drug store)---'Lip Balm' or lip moisturiser, for those every day cold climate 'Chapped Lips' is basically made from lanolin-------------- and lots of cosmetics.

It also comes in spray cans, "Lanox" 'lube with lanolin' (probably at 'Allens'), great for anti corrosion on your outboard, amongst other unmentionable things!!!.

Not sure if it best applying it, or having it applied :unsure:


Edited by hazmail
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Ben-- I don't know about now, but 'super glue' used to have cyanide in it :o.

Lanolin is the best moisturiser there is, it's inexpensive here, BUT then we have plenty of sheep !!! ( oil off sheep's wool - Marino sheep) --All the nursing ladies here use it for cracked nipples, marvellous stuff :o. You should be able to buy it at any Pharmacist (drug store)---'Lip Balm' or lip moisturiser, for those every day cold climate 'Chapped Lips' is basically made from lanolin-------------- and lots of cosmetics.

It also comes in spray cans, "Lanox" 'lube with lanolin' (probably at 'Allens'), great for anti corrosion on your outboard, amongst other unmentionable things!!!.

Not sure if it best applying it, or having it applied :unsure:


Thanks Pete. It's probably more fun having it applied, but it will most assuredly cost more that way. :yes:


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A type of superglue is used in some surgery.

I have more that a few scars on my hands and not one stitch. I closed the worst of them with superglue. The glue holds long enough so that the healing process starts.

Now; I am not suggesting this is safe to do or that anyone should do it. I'm simply saying this what I have done. What you do is completely up to you.[


Edited by nova
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hey to ward off cracked hands i use o'keeffe's working hands i found this stuff at my local ace hardware but you can get it on line and this stuff really works i used to remove snow in the winter and we started using calcium chloride which if you dont know tears your hands up after they were bleeding after the third day of putting that stuff down then i found o'keeffe's working hands while i was looking for isulated rubber gloves and this stuff had my hands back to normal in a few days so its worth a try and ive never been a big lotion guy but this stuff comes in a hockey puck looking container and really works

Hey guys,

If your like me then your hands and fingers get extremely dry this time of year and tend to break open. This can be a bit painful when solvents like denatured alcohol and acetone get into these cuts. I know some of you will say to use gloves, but I've tried and absolutely hate wearing them. What I've started doing is to place a small amount of super glue over the cut and once it dries it seals the cut keeping any solvents out. If you've only got one or two places where the dry skin has broken open then you might think this is a bit extreme, but at the moment I've got no fewer than 14 places on my hands and fingers where the skin has broken open with several of these places being up to 3/8 of an inch long. A few of the more tender spots are under and alongside the fingernail. Get a little acetone into these and it feels like your finger is on fire. Just thought I'd pass this along. It might keep you from uttering foul language in front of the wife and kids.


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I think Superglue was originally developed for use as a surgical wound suture. I don't hesitate to use it to close cold weather splits on my fingers. No ill effects yet! One thing that eliminates most of the problem with skin splits is to install a salt based water softener system in your house. It's amazing how much that helped both me and my wife to avoid the problem.

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