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powder paint in bulk

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Thanks- Hosed again as usual. There is other powder paints out there that I can buy in bulk, it is a shame that Pro tec won't. They are forcing me to use a different product. $3.99 for 2 oz jar isn't much until you start multiplying 6 jars each of 7-8 different colors. I have been playing around with Eastwood's hot-coat paint. My next order might just have to be with them. They offer some really nice looking paint.


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Sorry though that was 8oz.

Basic colors can be bought for harbor frieght also.

Industal use on power is high, so maybe some sources there.

I don't use it much hate it really.

I know Harley frames are done in power because I worked for them.

Also know coustom bike shops that power coat.

Harley panit is guess who.....PPG we got it in 55 gal. drums.

Here is a fact for you it can expolde......

We had to build explosive rooms to store it in.

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Tis a fine looking color. I am quite surprised at how easily the powder actually mixes to make custom colors.

My wife is a creative genius, and she routinely mixes unusual head colors from the basic colors.

Most recently, the soon-to-be-famous "Road Kill Kamo", or something quite close.

Good stuff. A guy needs a bit of right brain, when all mine does is operate from the left quadrant...... : )


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Any flammable powder suspended in air (technically an areosol) presents an explosion hazard. That's why the occasional grain silo turns into an ICBM. Coal mines, ships, sawmills are other common hazardous sites.

A not uncommon accident is to have the dust collection system in woodworking shops go KA-BOOM, which is the reason the pipes (usually plastic) leading to the collector have to be bonded -- the static electricity generated by the moving dust will also turn it into an explosive.

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It is all the powder I belive.

It is my though that is like a saw dust explodition.

There is a flash point to the stuff and if the power air mix is right , we were told it could blow up from static discharges.

I don't think the small amounts that we keep on hand are a hazard.

Harley stores like 40 tons for its paint line.

You have to wear a rubber suit/ boots , face/head gear, gloves, resparator and a grounding line to go in there.

This where the bulk storage is not the whole painting dept.

The room we had built was bigger than my Lot.

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Check out Colorite Bait Company (281 648 7488) at www.colorite-glowmaster.com. They have some really good colors. I got an excellent pumpkinseed, copperhead, etc. All the colors had glitter so I don't have to add glitter. In fact I use this paint for mixing with other colors (Pro-Tec - Netcraft, same thing). The paint is a little tough to work with but it gets easier if you mix it. Ended up getting 6 - 16 fl. oz (not sure what a fl.oz. is - but it is alot) at $11.50 a pop. Breaks down to $.72/ fl.oz.

Excellent service - they even threw in a bag of plastic baits....

Don't remember (have CRS) if they had solid colors like black.

I ordered from them 11/4/03 and was told they were getting out of the powderpaint end, so you better hurry.

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Have had the same issues with Color-rite paint as well. Have found by mixing pro-tech clear (or other pro-tech colors) up to a 50/50 mix (depending on effect) helps alleviate the clumping and that helps with the even coating. Also, instead of dipping, the shaker method (mentioned in the Powder Painting tutorial) will help.

I use an industrial heat gun, that has temperature control, to pre-heat and reheat jigs (for two tone painting or adding a clear coat). Usually set the temp between 300 and 325, heats the jig enough for the paint to stick and easy enough to clean the eyes. Then the jig goes into the toaster oven to cure at the normal cure temp for a minimum of 25 minutes. Works on jigs up to 2 oz.

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I get from CSI, their prices are a little high, but I have been trying to find a supplier with just a few of the florescent colors, and I have had no luck. I do need to get some more powder in a couple of weeks, maybe we could all go together and get a bunch to save funds. I can even pick the stuff up if we would have enough to warrant it. I usually get 5 to 10#'s at a time, but I live only 2 hrs. away. PM me, I won't guarnatee that I will set it all up, but, if I get enough requests, I might.

Chris - C n R Tackle and Supply

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