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Book For Tying Muskie/northern Flies?

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  On 2/28/2011 at 6:14 PM, rockdog23 said:

Anyone know of a good book for tying flies for northern and muskie fishing? Mostly looking for a how to book with recipes.

Any thoughts would be great.

I don't know of any books. But anything big and flashy will work for these guys. I know www.hatches.com has a category for pike and musky flies. To be honest, get a book on saltwater flies - like farrow and allen - and use some of those - that is pretty much what I use. Lefty's deceivers, dahlberg divers, I also like surf candy as it doesn't get chewed up.

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swimb8s took the words right out of my mouth. Almost anything that saltwater gamefish will eat should work on pike. Bob Veverka's "Innovative Saltwater Flies" and Lefty Kreh's saltwater fly pattern book have a lot of great ideas. BTW: if you really want to try something different, you might give circle hooks a shot. Any fish that turns when it strikes is made to order for circle hooks. I use them on bluefish, and at last count, I still had ten fingers.

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