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I bought some silicone to make my own molds and the first one was a disaster. I tried to stick the blanks in after filling the cavity with the RTV. Turned out there was alot of air bubbles in the RTV. the second ones I did I glued the blanks on the bottom and the air bubbles are now on the bottom. I have seen other molds made from the top but they had a machine that sucked all the air out of the silicone first. Hope this helps.


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There will be lots of bubbles when you are done stirring, but they should rise to the top of the container. Have made LOTS of RTV molds, yet to have a bubble where it would negatively affect a cavity.

One trick I use is this: after pouring in your RTV, set the curing mold on top of your kitchen counter, over the dishwasher, and turn it on. The vibration from the washer will help get rid of the bubbles. Really pretty slick.

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I do not coat the baits. A little of the factory oil is ok, too much likely a problem. Cure time is going to be dependent on the accuracy of your mix ratio and the type of RTV you are using. Temperature also plays a factor. I have some RTV that is mostly cured in 8 hours, some takes 24 plus. Average is probably about 12-16 hours.

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The molds I made by glueing the blanks on the bottom turned out alot better that way. After they were cured the air bubbles are not noticable on the top but if you turn the mold over you can see the bubbles that never made it out. I was using RTV I got on-line from an art suppy store called Douglas and Sturgess (San Fran). The cure time was alot faster by putting them in the oven. I was pouring worms three hours later. They have a data sheet thats provided with the silicone for ratio and cure time.

Hope this helps


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