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Gville Bass

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Can anyone give some general details as to what brand of airbrush, type of compressor and paints to start learning all this with? I have been wanting to start painting crankbaits for a few years and I'm ready. I don't mind spending some money either. Thank you

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What airbrush and what compressor threads start up just about every week, so you won't have to read very far before you find one. Here is a link to a current discussion on compressors: http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/21824-lets-try-this-againwhat-name-brand-air-compreesor/page__pid__162922__st__20#entry162922

The most popular airbrushes are Iwata and Paasche, but do not discount others. With airbrushes, you get what you pay for.


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