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Leons Lures

Where Is Carolina Chip? Envirotex Not Curing?

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What happened to Carolina Chip. I logged on this morning and he is gone :( Couldnt find his site listing here or on the lure crafters top 100 site. He is usually at 2 or 4, but it says removed?

How do I get in touch with him (if he is still there at all) I hope nothing bad happened. 8O :idea: :?: :huh:


My question for him was: I am mixing envirotex (This stuff is expensive). I tried a sample piece of wood and it did not cure. Do I mix it by weight or volume? It was 68 - 70 degrees and I checked it after 6 hours.

Thanks for your help On both issues.


Leon's Lures[/b]

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Hi Leon, If you are using Envirotex or Envirotex Lite and you checked it after only six hours it won't be dry yet. When I put my crankbaits on the drying wheel I leave the wheel turn at least 4-5 hours before I turn it off. I usually let the cranks dry at least overnight or 12 hours. As for the mixture is it by volume. I used two plastic syringes to measure equal parts or resin and hardner. Make sure to mark the syringes with a colored marker so you use the same one for the hardner and the same one for the resin each time. You don't have to clean them out, I just wipe off the excess on the outside of the syringe and when you put them away pull the plunger back about half way until you use it again. I hope this helps you out and if you have anymore questions please feel free to post here or email me. Good luck. :D Ken Schmitz Mylures

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:wink: Thanks for the addy! I found his email and phone number on his site.

He said he is running full bore but would not say why he is not on this site. He only said that this is a good site and there are several members from this site that visit his too. he said he visits and checks questions here. He alsosaid email him with any questions we may have, but this is also a good place to start.

:?: Oh well! It got me to sign on here.

Now Leon is in the house! LOL


Leons Lures

Atlanta Georgia

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carolina chip quit the site because somebody out there kept deleting his messages. it is really a shame that somebody ran such a nice and helpful guy off the site. he did write a message saying why and that he was leaving, but somebody had to go delete it, i think it is a shame!!!!! thanks,


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