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Another Nutty Idea (gone Bad)

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Well its been a while since I posted another Idea . Unfortunately it didn't turn out well . I fell prey to the robo stir. When I got it I immediatly adapted it to a power converter since it was battery operated . That worked fine . It has 3 speeds Says the pads on the feet will withstand 570 deg. That is B.S. They started breaking down at 350 deg. took those off . My plastic was preheated before I placed it in to 325 . The container for your plastic must have a flat bottom and be completely level or it will jiggle over on its side . On high speed it will stir the plastic but as it does the wire leg begin to collect cool plastic on top off the existing hot underneath . If you try to bring the plastic temp up to compensate for that it will result in burned plastic. SO SAVE YOUR MONEY ! AIN'T WORTH YOUR TIME and TROUBLE. I posted this In the hope I may save someone the afore mentioned experience.

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg

ANOTHER NUTTY IDEA (gone bad).jpg


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It was a good effort. You gave the unit every chance. Thanks for reporting back.

Your next challenge is to find another use for the unit, now that you have taken the hit and spent the money. It will be interesting to see what you come up with (using for cooking is not allowed).

Maybe a vibrator for releasing bubbles in PoP.


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Thanks guys Glad the post served some kind of purpose. Vodkaman is right , I'm on the trail of a use for this thing . But that is for another day. I've moved on to a new and more unusual experiment . I think you will all like this . It involves volcano's and how to them useful tornadoes ( just an elusive hint) . Already has worked . I just need to fine tune the unit before I can post. Thanks all .

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