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frikin lead pot isnt working.

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After casting for years and going through all sorts of pots including cast iron here is something that is inexpensive and does the trick. Go get a stainless steel kitchen bowel from hardware store or dept store in whatever size you figure you need and use camping stove hooked up to full size propane tank. Be careful cause the typical stove wide open will get that bowel full heated up to 1000 degrees so either get a thermometer or don't crank it up to high. Believe it or not that bowel will outlast most other containers and a full tank of propane will last alot of hours. -- Chris

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CJ, Do you have a Colman stove? The reason I ask is that I used to use a Colman stove to melt my lead. I used a ladle made for melting lead. It's put away now because I have an electric pot that I use all the time and it works fine.

Check this web site out. You can get them here for next to nothing.


If you have continued problems with your pot, you can go this way and get the job done just as good. I still have my ladle and if I needed to use it, it would be no problem.

Good luck and don't let it get you down. :twisted::):)

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Well, best get yourself a back-up...........ha.

I have two pots.... when we get to cranking out jigheads, they both are running at the same time.

Streamer, did you hit the lansing show last weekend? Just returned from the Grand Rapids show.......lots of people, and lots of junk tackle.

I am a bit more discriminating nowdays, I will admit that.........lol



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Hey Jigmaster, no I didn't make it. I had planed on going and a couple things happen that kept me from going. On top of that I had a rotten cold and crappy headache. So no, I didn't make it.

As far as the lead pot goes, This pot is an old one and has never failed me. It's well made and not cheaply made or looking like the pots made today. Believe me there is a difference.

Streamer, did you hit the lansing show last weekend? Just returned from the Grand Rapids show.......lots of people, and lots of junk tackle.

I went to the Grand Rapids show last year and I'm sure the Lansing show was the same. They do have a lot of crap at the shows. You really need to be careful what you buy at one. I get letters from both shows to set up a booth, the real problem with it is they want a couple legs and an arm to buy a booth. I have enough business for what I do to go out on a limb like that. George

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Holy Cow CJ,

a spoon over the bbq burner
I'm not sure that's
or what. Man you need to be careful with that stuff. The open flame I can see, but a spoon? There is one thing about lead you should know. IF it were to splash on your arm or back of your hand, Your can't brush it off. It'll smear and get worse. You have to not touch it and let it cool and burn as it set's there. It's a pretty bad burn. Just the smallest splash will wake you up.

I know because when I was younger a splash about the size of a penil eraser got me on the hand near my thumb. Now I'm here to tell ya that it would have felt better to lay my hand in the fire then have that hot stuff land on my hand.

Yep get the ladle. It's a bunch safer. :)

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I like a fish fryer for big melts and a hotpot2 for smaller melts, I suggest you have a couple of different methods yourself to both keep things interesting and be the way that YOU find best and easiest for you to work with. I highly recommend the hotpot 2 though, man it's cheap, quick, reliable and has been a good friend to me over the years. I like a small ladle best for my spinners, buzzers, and the jigs that I pour...I got it at a flea market for a couple of bucks a few years back, it is made for pouring cornbread batter or something, LOL. I melt old wheel weights and any other scrap lead I can get on the fish fryer in a deep cast iron pot, scrape off the trash, add my tin or etc and pour into 1 and 2 lb ingots that I use for pouring my baits....pretty standard stuff for the most part...I like to use nice long leather welding gloves regardless of whether I am working with 10lbs or 1lb because that molten lead never wants to wipe off of the flesh for me either. Always remember SAFETY... we need our members as free of 3rd degree burns as possible, like DS said it can cause a pretty bad burn, I still have a few scars shining red on my hands and forearms from when I was a teenager. Oh well, you live and you learn. JIM

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