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Homemade Garlic Smelly Jelly

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I've been searching forever on how to make a good attractant. I think I've got one technique figured out. Now, I haven't yet tested my recipe but I thought I would share to get your thoughts. I used the same technique to make some garlicy goodness that is used to make a form of hashish called quick wash (quiso if you use isopropyl). Here's what I did. I took 2 bulbs of garlic, tore them apart then put them in the food processor skin and all. I put the minced garlic in a mason jar with some 91% isopropyl alcohol for a few days (shaking it every now and then). I then poured the contents of the jar through a coffee filter onto a broiling pan (anything that's flat and will contain the liquid long enough for evaporation). Once the alcohol had evaporated I was left with a garlic residue that I scraped up with a razor. This stuff must be what gives garlic its smell cause holy crap is it garlicy. I took the residue and added it to some unscented vasoline and mixed it up really good. If bass truly like things that smell like garlic then they are going to love this stuff. It is STRONG! I tried the same thing with star of anise but it didn't work nearly as good. The star of anise was difficult to grind up so I think that was mostly the problem.

I hope to try this out soon and will update then.


Edited by bluegrasslover
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I'm sure that will work. That is a lot more work than I have done. I'm lazy and just mixed some salt and garlic powder into unscented petroleum jelly. I can gom it on a jig and it will stay on all day.

Ah...I forgot to mention that I did add garlic powder also. It really wasn't a lot of work. I didn't peel the garlic or anything. I just threw it in the food processor.

For an idea how strong this stuff is I took it to work to show a fishing buddy and just opening the container for a minute got complaints from people working around the area.

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