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Weedguard Strand Diameter

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FG-30 fiberguards (1/8")

What strand diameter are you guys using?

I've been using the .021 diameter only

I'm thinking that it depends on the jighead weight that I want to go lighter or heavier?

For my 1/2oz heads, the .021 seems to be a little stiff. Thinner strands or trim some strands from the .021?

Thanks, Scott

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where are you getting your weedguards? i know barlows list the different diameters as the littler the number the more flexible it will be. i buy all of mine from the only company making them in the US as they are close and good friends also. but i have to buy like i am a big guy 5000 at a time and they make mine all .120 so if there is a little paint in the hole it is still going in!!

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All of the jigs I make or sell use a 15 strand .018 or .021 weedguard. Many guys by us like the weedguard very flexible, myself included. I used to use a full weedguard and found later on that my hookup percentages were much better with a more flexible weedguard. However I've seen many guys use full stiff weedguards as well. I guess it depends on what you are used to fishing. There is really no right or wrong way, personal preferance I guess.

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