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New Member/want To Make My Own Lure Brand, Need Assitance

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Hi everyone,

I've roamed here for a while and just became a member.

I live in Victoria, Australia.

Basically, this is the guru place of lure manufacturing I see.

I'm deeply considering starting up my own lure brand, but I don't want to build them myself but to get a manufacturer to do it..

I can easily go and get a Chinese factory to do it but I'm afraid of there communication and quality control.

I'm thinking starting off with blades or hard-body curved minnows - (popular amongst cod fisherman here)

I've found some good manufacturers from China but most if not all charge pretty big bucks to design a new mould, I don't have a lot of money and don't want to have to fork out money for a new mould only for it to go bust 2 months later. - I thought if possible it'd be great to get a manufacturer from elsewhere besides China - Is there anyone really good here?

I've got a idea for the design of the curved minnow and I guess you can't change the design of a metal blade lure around too much aye.. (When i say metal blade lure i mean similar to, eco gear, damiki blade etc).

Any suggestions or a helping hand would be fantastic..

Thanks alot


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