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Going To Start Injection

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Hey so ive been handpouring for a while now, and would like to pick up an injector and some injection molds. Which injector would you recommend that would be able to work for pretty much any baits? Any advice you can give me would be awesome!

Thanks, Ethan

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  On 5/12/2011 at 12:37 PM, ethan3 said:

I am kind of thinking the Basstackle 6 oz injector. You think I can use that on most molds?

unless your going to shoot a bunch molds at one time i would start out with the 3oz. you can always upgrade to a larger one. but the 6 oz is a fine choice.

i have 3 of bears a 6oz and 2 3oz. and never had a problem. just make sure also you get a pair of gloves. i will make a video shooting with mine.

also have basstackles double injector.

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  On 5/12/2011 at 2:27 PM, daveh said:

and basstackle injectors will fit bears and dells.

Lure Crafts, Bears, Bass Tackles and Del's Injectors will all fit each others molds including K-Molds injection molds

Injection takes a little bit of playing around to get used to the equipment like anything else. yes there is nothing holding Bears tips in but i find it easier to change tips on the fly to keep going.

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i used to be a firm believer in extra tips but the more you do it the less you need them as they get in the way. after i have shot all of my molds then stop and demold and reclamp the plastic is set up enough to just push tip out grab ahold of the end of the plunger and yank set up plastic off insert same tip and keep going. plus this tip is already warm and no need to keep things on a warmer and all!!

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  On 5/12/2011 at 6:55 PM, powerworm said:

i used to be a firm believer in extra tips but the more you do it the less you need them as they get in the way. after i have shot all of my molds then stop and demold and reclamp the plastic is set up enough to just push tip out grab ahold of the end of the plunger and yank set up plastic off insert same tip and keep going. plus this tip is already warm and no need to keep things on a warmer and all!!

Just reading in here for fun as I know hardly anything about soft bait making.......but I have a newb question....how do you clean an injector and will a large cathedar style syringe melt with the hot plastic? I have been thinking about making an RTV mold of a softbait and want to know if Ican use the syringe to inject

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  On 5/12/2011 at 7:24 PM, Matt Moreau said:

Just reading in here for fun as I know hardly anything about soft bait making.......but I have a newb question....how do you clean an injector and will a large cathedar style syringe melt with the hot plastic? I have been thinking about making an RTV mold of a softbait and want to know if Ican use the syringe to inject

I remember someone trying this. I think he managed a couple of pours before the plastic of the syringe distorted.

If your proposed bait cannot be hand poured and you do not want the expense of buying a syringe, consider vacuum pouring. It is safe and just as effective as injection for filling difficult molds. I did some testing on this a couple of years ago.


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ethan3, all the hand injectors named are good products and you'll find the makers of these products have all the safety information that you need. Bear's injector has been around a long time and most experienced people don't have any trouble using it. But if you're not experienced where ever you buy it from, just ask for detailed use instructions. They'll all be glad to help you out.

jbs, Vodkaman (Dave) is a long time member and a very stand up guy. As a matter of fact, he answered the question without bias. He immediately supplied a link with helpful information, that's exactly what this website is about. He is definitely not a product basher. Dave's opinion is highly valued. Being a new member, maybe you should read a lot more of his posts. Also he posted to be helpful. You posted trying to discredit him and as a person who handles more high tech CNC work than most people's ever thought about, it's nothing for the companies that I work for to drop $10,000 on a mold. These aren't just little injection molds, these are high tech pieces of equipment and considering I inject plastic for a living (yesterday was 16000 pieces in an 8 hr period), I think I have a little bit of authority on this one. This website is set up to help each other, not to criticize products. Posts like yours will get immediate private emails sent to Jerry asking that you be banned. This has happened before and I'm sure it will again. But to come on and personally attack a member, especially a long time member with good standing, it's just not looked upon as good in this community. If you have such a strong opinion, instead of publicly bashing, you, as everyone else, have the option to PM. Just passing on some friendly advice. I don't want to see you get banned but this is a quick way to do it.

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This is from my 1st time injecting this last season.

Bought the BT 3oz injector. Tip did not fit hand pour style molds well. Ended up making resin injector blocks and using an aluminum one from Frank. See thread on this site. Some of the angled tips on other mfg are probably better, if you have these style molds, and don't want to bother with blocks..

The BT is made very well. Dis-assembles/assembles easily and I like the twist lock tip.

Reloading: (I don't have extra tips), gloves are a must, remove tip, plunge/push out plug into sprue cup, retract plunger, put on tip and twist lock, forceful plunge to clear tip into sprue cup. This clears residual plastic that didn't come out of the tip with removal. As the tip stays warmer from use, the more likelyhood of some risidual plastic remaining.

The 3oz size seemed to work well for the molds I currently have and considering the ones you shoot using the same plastic/color mix.

PS: I'll probably buy another injector next fall, and will be fretting over the 3 or 6 oz size. ;)

Edited by FuzzyGrub
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  On 5/13/2011 at 12:28 PM, ethan3 said:

Well, if im choosing between the 3oz and the 6oz, what should i get? Is there any disadvantages to a larger one?

My freting has been around will I have enough molds to shoot that much plastic of one type/color such that there would be an advantage to the 6oz, and not just wasting/reheating more plastisol. Not handling a 6oz one, can't say if the larger has any disadvantages.

How many senko molds you plan to have? worm molds? frogs, trailers, craws, etc? I am assuming you are doing this for yourself, ie hobby, vs any production for selling. If so, your batches all tend to be small per floating/sinking/neutral boyancy and particular colors. If you are just getting started, I think the 3 oz will be fine until you build up a large mold inventory. You will quickly see that the demolding and setup, is where the time is spent.

If I had to choose today, I'd probably get another 3oz, which could then leverage with a blending block, plus attachment pieces to do laminates. I could never forsee doing two 6oz for laminates for my needs. That would also seem to be all the harder to handle.

Just my newbie, hobbiest opinion.

Edited by FuzzyGrub
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You can never go wrong with the 3 oz. It would be my first choice if I started over again. Fuzzy is right on the 6 oz one it will at first just cause more reheat material. The locking tips are a big plus for ease of use. You will know if you dont have it and will want it. To be real honest the jacobs injector with the tapered tip works the best of all. I does never get stuck in the mold and will work on any mold out there. When I say gets stuck I mean when you inject the plastic on the tip cools at mold and causes a little stick when you lift. Locking tips prevent you lifting and pulling the tip off and having plastic run all over your table or worse all over you. With a tapered tip it does not happen. I have at one time had them all and they are all good products. My opinion is just that. I use mine alot but mostly the Twinjector which is Basstackles. Free shipping from Kevin is not bad either. Frank

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Ok, so ive got it figured out then. I will go with the basstackle 3oz for now, and then eventually work my way up. Also, i basically pour for myself, but also have a little business going, that ive sold some of my baits through. Not big or anything, but still am planning on doing SOME production. Thanks everyone for the help!

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ethen, i have del's,bears and just purchased a bt 6oz twin injector, bears and bt both have there purpose i shoot 20 to 30 molds at a time i like bears for single colors very smooth injector. but it has a learning curve with the tips but not a issue after you get used to it., as far as lams i have both bt 6oz twin injector and blending block and bears system . i like the bt system for lams, less of a learning curve. the 6oz bt has is a big unit you wont go wrong with the 3oz .

Edited by top dawg custom baits
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