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Stick Pricing

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How many 5.25 stick do you guys package, and what do you charge for them? I know that everyone has different costs for certain materials so I know it can vary. I have not been pouring long enough to calculate my supply usage per x amount of baits, but I do have people asking how much I sell them for. I was not planning on selling any yet, but figured if people were interested I might as well. Any suggestions on amount to package and pricing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for all of your help.

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I would think at least .60-.70 each for that size sticks. Your sticks are probably better than any store bought stuff so don't sell yourself short. As far as how many in a bag depends on what molds and how many molds you have. Let's say, if you have 1 or 2 4-cavity molds, you'd probably want to bag them in 8 packs, 16 and/or 24 packs. 5-cavity molds 10, 20 packs. You want to make you life as easy as possible and keepiing it fun. Just my thoughts on this

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I have to agree with 152nd Street. Keep it simple on you. You are just asking for more grief if your molds make 4 and you try and sell 10 per pack. You could use regular ziplock type bags or get the Poly ones like other store bought worms come in. They will run you $13 for 100 if I remember right.

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