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Questions, Questions, Questions...

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Looks like I finally got permission from my wife to start my new hobby... Now here are some more questions for you... I apologize in advance, I know these questions have probably been asked before... I have tried to search to find the answers, but I think just plain asking them will result in quicker answers... Anyways, here we go...

1. I think I am going to use M-F Plastic and some conversations on here say that Zeiners has the best prices?

2. People have also said that by using M-F Plastic you do not need to use additives, but you still want to use salt?

3. Am I on the right track with M-F Plastic or is Calhouns or Chemionics a good alternative?

4. I was going to make a two part Senko mold out of Fiberglass Resin, but I see that Lurecraft makes a nice one piece mold for Senkos. I know that the Senko will not be completely round, that being said, is that the easiest route to go for someone who is a newbie when it comes to Senkos?

5. The plastic molds from Lurecraft... Are they decent for the money? I noticed that they are really reasonable for the price. Are these the molds you guys call "RTV" molds?

6. How do you achieve a two colored bait by hand pouring? I have read on some of the posts about a "split pouring pan". Where can you buy a split pouring pan, or do you have to modify a standard pouring pan?

7. What does the term "laminate" mean? Is that where you pour two colors and they kind of mix together?

8. What are the most popular colors that I should be looking to purchase right from the get go (liquid color, and glitter)?

9. Is .015 glitter the most popular size?

10. What are the most popular scents? My guesses are anise, craw, and garlic... Any others?

11. Which is truly better... Microwave or melting stove?

12. Do you have to use an infrared thermometer? Aren't there normal thermometer options?

13. Is it easier, cheaper, and a better investment to buy pre-made molds or to make your own? The reason I am asking this question is because I was going to make a Fiberglass resin senko mold earlier today but realized it could end up costing me more money than it would to buy a pre-made mold (except aluminum of course). Am I right?

14. What do you do with the scents? Do you cover the finished baits when you package them or do you put the scent in the mold before you pour? Not sure on this one.

I think that's all the questions I have for now... The quicker I get answers, the sooner I'll be buying supplies... Thanks again!!! *TubeJig* :)

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Another question or two or three... :)

15. I normally use a 4" senko for bass fishing... Do most people use a 5" senko? Are they more popular?

16. I have been reading that the Lurecraft one piece plastic senko mold is definately NOT the way to go even for a newbie... Does anyone have a two piece mold they are willing to sell me?

4" or 5" stick molds from Basstackle run about $62.00 plus shipping... Kinda rich for my blood... Can anyone help a newbie out with a good deal?

17. What is (are) the cheapest supplier(s) for glitter, color, and scents? Trying to get the best bang for my buck!!!

Thanks again!!! *TubeJig* :)

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Another question or two or three... :)

15. I normally use a 4" senko for bass fishing... Do most people use a 5" senko? Are they more popular?

16. I have been reading that the Lurecraft one piece plastic senko mold is definately NOT the way to go even for a newbie... Does anyone have a two piece mold they are willing to sell me?

4" or 5" stick molds from Basstackle run about $62.00 plus shipping... Kinda rich for my blood... Can anyone help a newbie out with a good deal?

17. What is (are) the cheapest supplier(s) for glitter, color, and scents? Trying to get the best bang for my buck!!!

Thanks again!!! *TubeJig* :)

Thinking about actually going with Lureworks new line of Pourasol... I have been reading about it in the forums and for the price it seems like a no brainer... Question is how do you know what type you should buy (soft, medium, or hard)? Don't most people buy the soft? Would you need to add an additive? How would salt content affect the softness?

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1. always ck b4 ordering

2. depends on the compound you are comfortable using i use medium and add softener when adding salt

3. lureworks

4. hand pour 2 pc aluminum molds are great place to start

5. good quality and yes they are rtv silicone

6. a split cup or pour layers on top of each other

7. refer to previous answer

8. always start with colors YOU would fish

9. it depends on what you prefer really

10. some like fish scents like manhadden oil or shad

11. personal preference i like presto pot but still use a microwave also

12. nonw that will withstand the heat unless you can find a good quality candy thermometer but harbor freight has the infrared cheap enough

13. it depends on your available cash

14. a few drops of bears scents in the bag goes along way

15. its a personal preference but i seem to sell more 5 and 6" sticks than 4 and 7" ones

16. check the classifieds at the top right of any page here on TU there were some recently for sale

17. lots of options just check them all for the best package deal as 1 might be cheaper on flake and color but higher on plastic or vice versa

good luck and have fun!

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you also will need a good place to make baits.

in the house is not an option.

you will need a vent fan to exhaust fumes

and a good mask to wear.

send me your address & I will send you a hand poured senko

from LC resin mold & from Dels 2pc aluminum mold so you can see the difference

side by side.

I started out with the one pc. LC senko molds.. they catch fish. but most fisherman do not want to buy um.

the flat side turns them off.the fish do not care but the fish do not buy baits.

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I would recomend buying a two piece senko mold from say delmart I think he still sells a 4 cavity combo mold 2 4 1/2 & 2 5 1/2 cavities you can't go wrong with that mold plus it gives you nice usable baits right out of gate while you master hand pouring and yes for the money lurecraft molds work great. Before you purchase colorants check for recipes many with pics so you know whats needed. Recomended to start off with 4 ounce batches many recipes are based on that and take your time and soon enought you will have the disorder called a hobby.

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How do you change your forum avatar and add a signature on here?

The avatar upload facility has been removed, so now you can only use TU's pre-installed avatars. Signatures are a club member privilage.

The avatars and signatures that you see some members displaying were created before the changes. It sucks and we are all waiting for Jerry to fix this problem. There have been several threads posted about the avatar thing. I am bored with mine, but the option of a smiley or cartoon character is not acceptable.


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