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Making My First Mold Questions

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Ok so I am brand new to this and am taking my time and learning.. I used alumalite rtv to make a mold of a soft plastic jerk bait. I used alumalite 2 part plastic, poured into mold to create a hard plastic master. I have sanded, scraped, filled, painted and clear coated the master. Now my intention is to make a 2 part mold by using 1/2 molding putty, poured over with rtv, remove molding putty, use release, pour other 1/2 with rtv. I will need a pour spout which i have decided will be at the very nose of the bait. So to avoid air pockets should I create (in the mold) two air ports at the tips of the tail, pour the soft plastic from the nose down until the material comes out of the other end of the mold at the tail. Will that help avoid air pockets and ensure the material is working its way to the end of the bait? I am coming up on all the technicalities I know very little about, I will continue searching past posts to educate myself. Any advise will be appreciated.....thanks

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Your plan seems pretty good, but you did not mention locators, so that when you close the empty mold prior to pouring, the two halves will line up correctly.

If you are hand pouring, you may not need any vents. If a vent becomes necessary, I cut a VEE with a sharp razor. Keep the vents small, their purpose is to allow air to be pushed out, NOT the plastic. If you make the vent too big, like you mentioned, the plastic will just flow out and you'll have trouble filling the mold.

If you are injecting, a single vent at the tail will probably suffice. Try to find some pictures of molds and see how others did the venting. The pour spout needs to be big enough to allow you to pour the plastic in and allow air to escape ant the same time. Again, check what diameter pour spout others use.


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