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I've read all the threads on using proper ventilation, exhaust hoods, pouring outside, respirators, etc. Yet, there is nothing on any of my jugs of M-F plastisol, online instructions from the plastisol manufactur's websites etc. about proper ventilation.

Yet, I've read all the post on here about ventilation and everyone saying it is absolutely necessary. What gives? If the manufactor isn't worried about ventilation, should we be? I've seen worst MSDS sheets on household chemicals used everyday by wives across the nation than what is on the plastisol I've read of on the threads.

I have adult onset asthma and do take precautions with a small birdcage type fan exhausting fumes as much as possible out of my pouring station to the outside. I do plan on getting a respirator and will probably set up in an unattached shed to get it out of the house.

But, is it really necessary or are we just crying wolf? It seems like you can't do anything anymore without it causing cancer, breathing problems, mesothelioma, emphysyma, hives, boils, the plague, and the green weanie!?!>!>!?!?! And that's just the good things that can happen to you. Don't even ask them about the bad things that can happen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make light of proper precautions. I'm just asking what proof anyone has? Especially since I've seen nowhere in any instructions given by the manufactorers of any plastic I've used that says anything at all about proper ventilation or any ventilation at all. I think if nothing else that if it was a problem they of all people would have all kinds of precautionary statements if it was truely an issue.

So, do you think this is truely necessary or are we just all getting scared of our own shadow anymore?

I know I'll get flamed for asking this question, but it's just been going through my mind the last few days as I get back into pouring again.

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OK, I stand corrected. I didn't get the second sheet of the msds sheet when I first looked at it in M-F website. It clearly stated use adequate ventilation and NIOSH and OSHA approved respriator in restricted ventalated areas.

Back to looking into options for venting.... :blink:


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