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How To View A Member's Gallery Pics

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I'm not sure if anybody figured this out yet. Things got weird after the "upgrade" dry.gif

1. Click on member name

2. Click on "find my content" button beneath profile pic

3. Click on "gallery" near top of next page...or whatever else you want to view such as "posts".

That's it.

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Well, I don't THINK I'm insane yet but when I did the same, I got only 3 gallery pics, which did not include many pics I've posted over the last several years. So I gotta say it's still broke. It would be nice to have search access to ALL the pics posted by fellow builders. I have favorites from past years that I may never be able to find again. Oh well...

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  On 6/17/2011 at 12:42 AM, BobP said:

Well, I don't THINK I'm insane yet but when I did the same, I got only 3 gallery pics, which did not include many pics I've posted over the last several years. So I gotta say it's still broke. It would be nice to have search access to ALL the pics posted by fellow builders. I have favorites from past years that I may never be able to find again. Oh well...

Sorry if i am out of line but why can we not post pics in a thread? Even another thread showcase category would keep it seperate from informative threads. Being on dial-up its much easier for me to upload pics to photobucket and hotlink host them from there, and it gives the site more space so its cheaper for administrators to run the site.

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There is a graphic under every forum post that contains a link to every gallery submission from that member, here is a clipping:

  On 6/17/2011 at 12:42 AM, BobP said:

It would be nice to have search access to ALL the pics posted by fellow builders. I have favorites from past years that I may never be able to find again. Oh well...

TU isn't currently restricting access to any pics, please share any links that are giving "odd" results and I'll look into it directly.

This is not a jab, just an honest question, but how are you keeping track of your "favorites from past years"? bookmarks? or are you using the TU site features? just trying to understand your statement.

  On 6/17/2011 at 12:58 AM, RedSkullz said:

Sorry if i am out of line but why can we not post pics in a thread? Even another thread showcase category would keep it seperate from informative threads. Being on dial-up its much easier for me to upload pics to photobucket and hotlink host them from there, and it gives the site more space so its cheaper for administrators to run the site.

Good question and your concerns do have merit....

Too many sites use a bulletin board as an end-all solution,

If we were to create a "showcase" forum, how would that be an improvement of over a gallery?

You would have to click a text link before you ever even see a photo!?

Our Gallery Submissions can be rated, discussed, favorited, etc, just like a forum, but focuses on the visual media instead of textual content.

My personal opinion is that our luremaking forums are the most useful, concise, and well structured on the web, and alot of that is in direct relation to the proper use of a gallery.

This keeps our luremaking forums free from loads of threads titled "hey look at this!" that contains a column of 20 photos of the same bait in a different pose.

We welcome all our members to exhibit their work here and we're proud to feature them in our Gallery.

We used to have issues with members using the forums to post pics only with no related discussions on TU anywhere, they wouldn't even respond to any questions about their posted photos.

The reason we require the images be "uploaded" is simply for preservation. what happens if you delete your album from photobucket? or if PB decides another album you have violate thier terms and they suspend your account?.... well then the images are now disabled on TU.

Photobucket and other hosts also limit bandwidth, so if a picture gets too many hits, they disable the image for a period of time. rendering it useless on any sites it was embedded or "hotlinked" to.

I'm certainly open to refining the gallery, if you have any further feedback it is always appreciated. Recent discussions have uncovered some instability in the gallery and I've worked to improve it. if you think something is outta whack, feel free to let me know.

Thank you guys,

Jerry "redg8r"









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  On 6/17/2011 at 12:42 AM, BobP said:

Well, I don't THINK I'm insane yet but when I did the same, I got only 3 gallery pics, which did not include many pics I've posted over the last several years. So I gotta say it's still broke. It would be nice to have search access to ALL the pics posted by fellow builders. I have favorites from past years that I may never be able to find again. Oh well...

I just performed the same steps the OP mentioned on your profile and received 3 pics also. The search results noted that they were limited from June 17th 2010, so in other words, 1 year.

I'll look into sorting options to allow adjustment of the dates, but for now the solution I provided above works for ALL submissions.

Thanks for the info,

Jerry "redg8r"

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Hey thanks for the great reply Jerry. I do see what you are saying for sure. You are very right in saying that TU is the most organized and concise and well structured tackle making site, it is for sure.

As for the showcase forum i think it would be great to have one in addition to the gallery(not instead of). Some guys would prefer the threads some the gallery. If TU was the only place i put up pics of the lures i paint the gallery would be all I need for sure, but using a couple of different sites makes me have to do everything twice(which isnt a big deal, but on dial-up it takes forever to upload pics) If the rules were different here and i could link out my images from Its also very easy to transfer threads from site to site with img tags. If you used img tags the pics would be directly visible on the thread as it loads.(only direct link would you have to click the link to view the pic). Maybe there could be a one thread per member limit in the showcase category to eliminate the 20 pics one lure threads. If members could edit their first posts, you could continually add pics in the thread.

I do understand what you mean by the preservation of the pics. I have been using photobucket for years now and i have never had a problem, but you never know...i always keep my all of my pics backed up anyways, but no doubt many dont.

I did not realize that photobucket limits bandwidth...i guess my pics are not very popular. (and the comments on my lures in the gallery prove it...lol)

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Well put.

  On 6/17/2011 at 6:43 AM, RedSkullz said:

If the rules were different here and i could link out my images from...

With more advertisers coming on and financially supporting the site server, we may consider relaxing the outbound hotlink rule, thus allowing members to use the gallery in much the same way you currently use photobucket or other photo hosts.

I may also be able to enable the gallery to allow you to use a (URL, such as photobucket links) instead of uploading and have TU grab a copy of the image and automatically store that copy on TU, therefore, preventing you from manually uploading the same photo to your existing host (photobucket) AND TU.

I'll consider running a member poll regarding a showcase forum. I do understand that alot of forums function that way and alot of times it's simply more intuitive for members to exhibit that way since its done so much on other fishing & luremaking boards.

Thanks again for the input.

Jerry "redg8r"

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  On 6/17/2011 at 6:55 AM, redg8r said:

Well put.

With more advertisers coming on and financially supporting the site server, we may consider relaxing the outbound hotlink rule, thus allowing members to use the gallery in much the same way you currently use photobucket or other photo hosts.

I may also be able to enable the gallery to allow you to use a (URL, such as photobucket links) instead of uploading and have TU grab a copy of the image and automatically store that copy on TU, therefore, preventing you from manually uploading the same photo to your existing host (photobucket) AND TU.

I'll consider running a member poll regarding a showcase forum. I do understand that alot of forums function that way and alot of times it's simply more intuitive for members to exhibit that way since its done so much on other fishing & luremaking boards.

Thanks again for the input.

Jerry "redg8r"

If the gallery could copy URL, that would be absolutely perfect!! Thanks again.

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  On 6/17/2011 at 7:04 AM, RedSkullz said:

If the gallery could copy URL, that would be absolutely perfect!! Thanks again.

Yeah, grab a pic from the URL, store it here on TU, was the thought.

Sorry, I'm prone to long, overly technical run-on sentences......bad habit biggrin.gif

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  On 6/17/2011 at 7:08 AM, redg8r said:

Yeah, grab a pic from the URL, store it here on TU, was the thought.

Sorry, I'm prone to long, overly technical run-on sentences......bad habit biggrin.gif

Dont be sorry...its great to see an administrator explain things in detail!!

Is it feasible to take a pic from the url and store it automatically?

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  On 6/17/2011 at 7:20 AM, RedSkullz said:

Is it feasible to take a pic from the url and store it automatically?

Facebook is an example, particularly when you post a link on facebook, FB tries to pull a relevant image from the webpage linked and attempts to set it as a thumbnail image to ride alongside the textual hyperlink.

Can it be done? almost certainly...... can I do it? ..... whole different story unsure.gif

I'll definitely look into it as it is a useful function.

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  On 6/16/2011 at 11:15 PM, blazt* said:

I'm not sure if anybody figured this out yet. Things got weird after the "upgrade" dry.gif

1. Click on member name

2. Click on "find my content" button beneath profile pic

3. Click on "gallery" near top of next page...or whatever else you want to view such as "posts".

That's it.


That's how I have to find my own gallery, too. It's all there, it's just a round-about way to access it.

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I think my version of IE isnt very compatible with the upgrade. When I try to view anyones gallery it comes up in a halfed blanked out box all the way to the left of my screen. I cant see any photos or anything. In addition when I goto the main gallery and not a personal one I can only see 2 rows of pics and not the 3rd row. I cannot scroll over either.

Again this is probably a compatibility issue with my system but I cannot change anything as I log on from a work PC... Owell... I still have the forum!

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  On 6/17/2011 at 2:44 PM, Matt Moreau said:

I think my version of IE isnt very compatible with the upgrade. When I try to view anyones gallery it comes up in a halfed blanked out box all the way to the left of my screen. I cant see any photos or anything. In addition when I goto the main gallery and not a personal one I can only see 2 rows of pics and not the 3rd row. I cannot scroll over either.

Again this is probably a compatibility issue with my system but I cannot change anything as I log on from a work PC... Owell... I still have the forum!

Thats a similar issue to the one i was having using IE version ?8 maybe?. In the bottom left there is a dropdown menu. I set it to IPboard and mine works well now in Overview...detailed view cuts out some pics.

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  On 6/17/2011 at 1:31 PM, mark poulson said:


I still don't have any graphics beneath my avatar.

Is a fix coming, or is it a lost cause?

Mark, the link is there, you just cant see your own.... i cant see mine either, unless i log in from a test account,

heres your link:


As for the IE browser issues, I'll check into it.


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  On 6/17/2011 at 4:35 PM, redg8r said:

Mark, the link is there, you just cant see your own.... i cant see mine either, unless i log in from a test account,

heres your link:


As for the IE browser issues, I'll check into it.


Thanks Jerry.

I thought it was just me.

Do you mean that no one can see their own graphic tabs?

I am totally clueless when it comes to computers and software, so forgive what must seem like simple questions to you.

Normally I would ask my 16 year old, but she's out of school, and sleeping in as late as she wants to now, so I'm afraid to wake her.

Very afraid. :lol::lol::lol:

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Jerry - Like many TUers, I mostly read/post in one forum and otherwise have a pretty casual relationship to the rest of TU, including the Gallery. Your instructions make it clear that there is almost always SOME WAY to see the stuff you want and I appreciate the help. But I have to say navigating TU is not exactly "intuitive". The Gallery question points up something that often happens to me and other users - we click down a path we think should lead where we want to go only to find a blind alley. If there are 5-6 "click-ways" you might reasonably expect to get you somewhere, and you try several of them without results, most of us will give up.

I'm not a sophisticated site user who keeps bookmarks of specific gallery baits, threads, etc. When I build a bait and am pondering a color scheme, I might remember seeing a great bait in the Gallery and want to refresh my memory by displaying that one. If I understand correctly from this thread, I have to search through the Gallery until I find that builder's most recent gallery post, then I can call up his whole album of work? Guess I have to pray he posted recently so I don't have to page through thousands of gallery pics! Not ideal.

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While we have you online, when I post a comment to a hard baits gallery photo, the comment goes onto the photo, but I get this message:

An Error OccurredSorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

[#1-global-comments-_add-2] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

I'm already automatically signed in whenever I come to TU, I think, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I should just add this to an already long list of things on the computer I don't understand. :lol:

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  On 6/17/2011 at 4:57 PM, mark poulson said:

Do you mean that no one can see their own graphic tabs?

As it stands right now, correct. (in the forum threads, that is.) I don't agree, it only add confusion.

  On 6/17/2011 at 10:27 PM, BobP said:

I have to say navigating TU is not exactly "intuitive"......

I have to agree, with personal navigation such as profiles ,settings,etc.

  On 6/17/2011 at 10:27 PM, BobP said:

I'm not a sophisticated site user who keeps bookmarks of specific gallery baits, threads, etc. When I build a bait and am pondering a color scheme, I might remember seeing a great bait in the Gallery and want to refresh my memory by displaying that one. If I understand correctly from this thread, I have to search through the Gallery until I find that builder's most recent gallery post, then I can call up his whole album of work? Guess I have to pray he posted recently so I don't have to page through thousands of gallery pics! Not ideal.

OK, that makes sense now, you prefer to search/sort by "user".

I know this wont be much help either but, if you see a photo/post/topic, etc. its usually followed by a "LIKE" link, which adds the reference to your profile where you can group the info for later reference.

The path is: My Settings >> Settings >> Content You Like

This will change (for the better) in an upcoming release where we can "Follow" any/all content and get updates when the reference changes.

  On 6/19/2011 at 3:04 PM, mark poulson said:


While we have you online, when I post a comment to a hard baits gallery photo, the comment goes onto the photo, but I get this message:

An Error OccurredSorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

[#1-global-comments-_add-2] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

I'm already automatically signed in whenever I come to TU, I think, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I should just add this to an already long list of things on the computer I don't understand. :lol:

Thanks for posting the actual error message, that helps, I'll look into it and get right back to ya.

Thank you fellas,


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  On 6/17/2011 at 2:44 PM, Matt Moreau said:

I think my version of IE isnt very compatible with the upgrade. When I try to view anyones gallery it comes up in a halfed blanked out box all the way to the left of my screen. I cant see any photos or anything. In addition when I goto the main gallery and not a personal one I can only see 2 rows of pics and not the 3rd row. I cannot scroll over either.

Again this is probably a compatibility issue with my system but I cannot change anything as I log on from a work PC... Owell... I still have the forum!

Can you visit this link on your work PC and post your resolution for me?


  On 6/19/2011 at 3:04 PM, mark poulson said:

[#1-global-comments-_add-2] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

I'm being told this is an Internet Explorer v9 browser issue. If the microsoft guys cant patch it (~cough, um-hmm) The forum developers will find a workaround.

The good news is that your comments still post and are recorded, even though you get a confusing error.

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