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How and when do you guys add your salt

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I'm wondering how you guys are doing your salt. So far I have had the best results by grinding the salt to a very fine powder and sifting it (through a small mesh wire screen) into a pyrex cup dry, then I add the unheated plastisol. I then add my heat sab. and softner also. Then I heat and add colors and glitters. Any one else do it this way??? If not how do you do it?

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I don't think there is really a right way or a wrong way to do this. I believe that this "sport" is such a personal thing, you have to try different ways of doing it and then settle on whatever way suits you and the way that you do things.

There are things that are constant like temperature and base amounts in your recipies; but after that it's all up to you.

My advice to you is not make it too complicated and enjoy what you are doing. :D

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