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Reheat Plastisol

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Every time you reheat the plastic changes and the color will loose brightness or will darken . You can buy a heat stabilizer to go in it but that just adds cost. My experience has been about three times . Give or take depending on color . The best thing to do is only mix enough to pour or shoot for the run you are doing . Never take your eyes off the crap a few seconds fiddling around can result in ruined plastic . Goofed off and ruined some myself last njght.

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Just to follow this thread, has anyone used or had success/failures with Alumisol Brand (from Alumilite Products) Heat Stabilizer? I believe the per ounce cost is quite a bit less than LC, Calhoun's or others I have researched.

Cost per ounce is subjective when you look at pricing on web pages. Don't forget to include shipping costs in your bottom line per ounce calculations!

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