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Howard Capone

Skirt Length

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I have been makeing spinner baits for over ten years now,( I think I am getting old) This fishing season I started fishing with a younger crowd, that also tournament fishes for bass in the local lakes. It seems that the tournament fishermen go so far as to cut the skirts shorter than the factory length. It was pointed out to me that Kevin VanDam had talked about this in one of his presentations. I have been makeing my skirts longer through the years and have been catching bigger fish with this modification. What is your feeling about skirt length? :)

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That is the beauty of tackle making, we can make our own tweaks and have actual side by side comparisons to tell us if something works or not. In your case it seems you catch bigger fish with a longer skirt and I agree but the downside to a longer skirt, and that is numbers, I can see pros trimming a skirt for a limit but to target big fish I'm with you, I also like for the skirt to be longer and uneven, I feel it breaks up the outline of the bait which also seems to attract bigger than average fish. Here is another tweak for you, if you feel you need some added flash to go along with vibration is stained water you don't need a colorado blade, instad use the double willow configuration but shorten the space between the blades, what this does is allows you to get the flash from the willow blades but having both of them near the top of the blade arm creates more vibration.

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Been fishing for forty years and there is no doubt in my mind that big baits catch big fish. But, if you are looking for a quick limit for the live-well in a tournament, smaller baits can be very successful especially after a Shad spawn or any kind of spawn. From late winter to late spring many different types of fish are spawning and the fry are very easy prey. Match the hatch and let the fish tell you what they want comes to mind. Later---GeorgiaBlade

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