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Medium (0.45-0.40) Purple Flake?

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Where can I get some????? LC no longer carries it and the poly stuff I got bleeds and curls. I bought mine in bulk bofore the poly flake issue so now I can't get any!!! I will even suffer with the metallic purple.

Can anyone recommend a source?


Hmmm... Maybe Sam is still around???


Edited by ghostbaits
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LC stocks "Black Grape" . It's a pretty good purple, its a poly flake that holds it color well.

........... that is unless its changed in the last little while?

Yup black grape is a slightly darker purple but still looks great in junebug or gp purple. However, it does curl very easily so you have to keep the temp around 300 or a little lower. Fine if you inject but it can cause problems with pouring. I have been using it for about a year now and like it, but like I said its a little tricky to work with.

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Thanks all. I still have a little of the purple I have used. It is metallic, not poly. Will not curl or bleed but sinks quicker. It is the purple color, not black grape color. I have black grape but not looking for that. It is .035 in size and square.

I think I have a line on more so thanks all for the response. I hand pour a lot still so I don't want curled flake if I get above 300!


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