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Finish Reversibility

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Good Morning,

I must first saythanks to all of you for the great information this site has provided me!

I do a lot of wood working and one of the things I consideris what the surface I am finishing is going to be exposed to, a table top willget hot stuff set on it and spilled on it and a cabinet door is impossible toset stuff on unless you remove it and set it on the table. I use the finishthat is the most appropriate for the job. Reversibility is a consideration onsolid wood construction because in twenty years the next guy can strip it andre-finish it. Plywood and particle board is disposable so the finish does notmatter.

I have stripped old lures with just lacquer thinner, repaintedthem and put them back in service. I know that in the last 20 or so years allof these super indestructible finishes have come out. I have read on here wherefolks have casted their lures onto gravel driveways and retrieved them to seeit the finish would hold up. Every finish fails after time no matter what thecan says nature and time will win in the end. How do you get those finishes off when youwant to refinish the lure? It seems to me that the process of removing the remainingfinish almost guarantees the destruction of the lure. I know firsthand it worksthat way on furniture, some of these urethanes and pre-catalyzed lacquers can onlybe removed when you chop the furniture up and burn it in the fireplace.

Am I missing something?

Edited by oldtoolsniper
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I think most lure builders have a different perspective from furniture builders. To me, crankbaits are tools and I expect them to "get used up" just like other tools. IMO, the longer I can make the finish last, the longer it will perform so I'm going with the most durable topcoat I can find. Reversibility is the last thing I think about. However, there is no finish so tough that I can't remove it with sandpaper, or burn it off with a propane torch, or just refinish over it. We're only talking about a few square inches, not a dining room table. That's just my perspective. Others think differently and there's plenty of room in the custom crankbait world for other viewpoints.

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