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Presto Pot Stand Ideas

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honestly guys, all we are trying to advocate is a little safety. If something can go wrong chances are that at some point in time something will go wrong. To flat out tell someone that "if you have an accident and spill some plastic on yourself you have no business pouring in the first place" is rude, disrespectful and arrogant ! Anyone that can come in to a forum like this where it is touted as the best learning resource for soft plastics and tell a bunch of potential new pourers that if you cant be careful enough to not have an accident pouring then you have no business pouring should not be allowed to post here period !

Is it ever a bad idea to protect yourself from potential 3rd degree burns?

its not the fact that you guys are saying you dont need to mount the pot, it is the fact you guys are potentially telling who know how many new pourers and people contemplating pouring that should they have an accident that they shouldnt be pouring in the first place. it is that kind of attitude that will ruin this forum.

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OK now that the debate of bolt it down or not is over . Does anyone have some good looking pics of some setups? bolted down or not, i need some ideas of what to built for a stand . Kajun's stuff is awesome but to elaborate for me to get put together. Thanx for the debate tho it was quite amusing ..

LOL, shaggy

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how tall and what kind of molds are you going to pour or are you strictly going to be injection? on my first couple of pots i was doing both and all i did was use 1x8 scraps 2 pieces 16" long for the top and bottom and 1 for the sides and just predrilled the holes and used 1 1/2" drywall screws to attach it all together. then i laid a piece of 1x2 14" long under the back 2 legs to elevate it for pouring or take it out if im injecting thats why i never got in the habit of using the pots bolted down just learned to pay attention you can do the same i am sure of it!!

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