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Cormorant Lures

Converting Hand-pour Molds To Injection...

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I know it is on here somewhere, but I figured I would ask anyways... Someday soon I will be buying myself an injector or two to start making craws, creatures, etc. The only problem is I have about 8 or so hand-pour stick molds that I would love to be able to use with the injector.... I have read or seen on here a thread and pictures of a piece that you can use to convert your hand-pour molds to injection... Does someone make this piece to sell?!? Is it hard to make it yourself?!? Do you have to do anything special to the mold to get it to work properly?!? Let me know!!! Hopefully I am on the right track...


King Cormorant

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frank was the one that made something like what your talking about somewhere around a year ago maybe less. trust me though it is simpler to just buy the injection molds as that is where we started out was handpour molds and 1/4 the amount of injection cavities and it tripled our production

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Here are two links to threads that discussed the subject of adapters:



I only suggested the idea, as far as I am aware, only Jim (formerly Ghostbaits) has actually made the adapter. Unfortunately, he has left TU and is no longer available for information.

My thoughts are that even a thick pad of rubber with a hole, would work, but you have to figure out a way to hold or mount it in position. It should not be difficult to figure something out, with a little imagination.


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I have been told by a mold maker,,

that if you inject a hand pour mold you mite get a lot

of flashing on the baits, hand pour molds are not

machined to 100% flat where the 2 halves lay together

so the seams are not totally closed like they are in a injection mold ????

I have not tried any injection so have not proved this one way or another.....

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I have been told by a mold maker,,

that if you inject a hand pour mold you mite get a lot

of flashing on the baits, hand pour molds are not

machined to 100% flat where the 2 halves lay together

so the seams are not totally closed like they are in a injection mold ????

I have not tried any injection so have not proved this one way or another.....

I inject Dels 4in handpour Stick worm mold and haven't had any flashing issues. I do have to top off the mold after injecting but that is not too bad. I say try it and see how it plays out. I have really had a great summer fishing that bait for river Smallies- they love that bait in pearl and melon candy!

Take care

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pitched a fit and left TU

I missed it too. Hate to hear it . Gonna miss him razzing me now and then . Now about Hand pour injection . I have some RTV molds I use a flat plate piece of aluminum with a hole drilled in it to fit one of my injectors that has a cone shaped tip. I inject from the tail of the grub forward . This allows the plastic while hot to flow to a bigger opening as it cools . The aluminum is held down by lever clamp mounted to the table . You will still have the flat hand pour back unless you go to the trouble to get the plate milled. In doing that you just as well buy an injection mold.
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