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Any Help Would Be Appreciated

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I hope everyone in TU land is doing OK. I need you folks help and prayers. Mom's in the hospital with failing kidneys and has been there for about a week now with very little changes. The doctors say there's a 50-50 chance of her kidneys starting back up again. There are a few signs that says that they may be trying to. I would appreciate your prayers to help better these odds. I feel there's going to be a lot of prayers needed on this one. And truthfully you guys are the first ones I thought of for help. Any prayer or moment of silence for Mom would be appreciated. Thanks for the help.

Mike Greene

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Thanks so much everyone and I pray God blesses each and every one of you. Things are still about the same with Mom. They're doing another run of dialysis today. This is #4. After this they're going to hold off a few days with the dialysis to see if there is any true kidney function taking place. There's also an infection of some kind somewhere and it's not showing much improvement. She's also having trouble swallowing so they are going to check that today too. Again guys I appreciate the prayers so much. The preacher came a couple of days ago and Mother did make a profession of faith so I know my Mom is going to be OK either way. You don't know the last couple of days how encouraging it's been to come in late in the evening and read all the prayers that have been sent. I've always said the folks in TU land are the best, even though there might be some arguments and disagreements sometimes. TU is still a community of friends. Again thanks so much for the kind words.

Mike Greene

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