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Clear Hard Plastic For Bills

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so from what I can tell most people from reading older posts is that most think that clear alumalite, and polyester resin are to brittle to use for bills.

Is the epoxy casting resin used for the bodies ok for the bill. I would like to cast the whole thing in one step over the wiring harness. or maybe in a two part hollow mold and then glue the two together.

I have read the discussions about the different two part epoxies turning yellow but as far as I can tell that is about top coating.

Are the epoxies everyone is using for top coat the same and the 2 part CASTING epoxys?


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Short answer is that we're all waiting for a water clear castable plastic that's comparible to high impact thermoplastics used in mass production.

Smooth-on came close with a castable urethane, but requires serious ventilation and heated post cure after demolding.

Most of us stick with polycarbonate/lexan sheet stock, if compound angles are needed, "Hazmail" made a great writeup here about forming lexan.

If you need a compound thickness, you might try a clear polyester resin, but in my personal opinion it's too brittle really depends on the lip/bill itself.

Good luck w it.

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I did some research and I think I am going to try the epoxy resin.

The poly sounds better accept that it only has a shelf life of 6 months. I have storage issues. Plus I checked out a michaels gift gallery (only option) and they had one can. Considering how many people probably look there for casting supplies it may be 2 years old already. The smell might also bother the roommates.

epoxy has a shelf life of over a year or longer.

I don't know how quickly I could get a whole can of poly used up especially at 1/8 oz per lure at a time. :lol:

Thanks for the help! I will let you know if I manage to get 1 lure made first.

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