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supplies for a korean based military unit

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ON a local board we have had a fisherman come to us and ask if we could send him some fishing supplies for his unit and himself ( about 30 in all). i will be sending some jigs and we have other locals sending various items. he said they are on a bay where there are halibut and some large fish boiling on the surface. also he claims there are bass in local lakes.

I am asking that any of you might send some lures for our package. If anybody is interested please PM me and i can give you my adress so that you can send me items and i can add them to the collections, or i can get his adress and you may send directly to him.

he specifically said he loves soft plastics so this is your guys calling!

thank you for your support.

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here is his post on the other site asking us for help:

I am a navy corpsman currently stationed in South Korea. I'm looking for a few fisherman willing to donate some gear to us here. We currently have 30 marines stationed here with little or nothing to do. Our base is on a bay, and area is dotted with numerous lakes. I fished quite a bit back in SD and remembered this website and was hoping that I could get some help from you all back home. If there is anyone out there that could help us out I would really appreciate it. If you are interested in helping us please respond and I'll give you the address here. Thank you in advance

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