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Question About Bending 0.51 Wire

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Very recently I have begun to try and learn how to make some muskie lures. I do not want to invest in a commercial wire bender. I've watched videos on Youtube and they are very informative but I still have one problem, my wire eye always leans to the left or right, maybe its only in one direction. I am using a vise with a hex key or wrench sticking straight up from the jaws of the vise. One end I haol with either a lure or vise grips. The other end I also put a vise grips on. Is there a way to adjust my bent eye after I finish wrapping the wire? You can see from the image I uploaded that my two wires are not good enough. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have been tying hair jigs since the 1960's and I've gotton quite good at it, any questions on molding, powder painting, and tying, I may be able to return the favor. Thanks a lot. -PauTHREEMUSKYWIRES.jpg









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I did this for another forum, I thought it may help you out with forming the eye.

Also left in the bit about how I wire my poppers for any that find it informative. I will have to do a series of posts due to the restriction on images.

Here's a "How to" on how I wire my poppers... ( I apologise in advance, I am not a hand model :P)

I think we all have some lures that could get another lease on life if we had them re-wired. This is only how I do it, there will be other ways or different techniques...Feel free to add on to the thread if you have some tips B)

First up is the tools involved, most will have something lying around or a mate to pinch them off...


- Vice Grips

- Circlip Pliers ( Internal )

- 1.6mm 316 SS Wire

- Grommets

- Weights

First steps are to form a tow point eye in the wire....


About 50mm down the wire, grab with the narrow end of the pliers and bend to 45 degrees.


Re-grip further up on the pliers.


Use your thumb and bend the wire over, you will need to re-position the pliers through the bend.


Now grab the tag end with the Vice Grips, use the eye formed to put the round pliers into.

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Now you have a solid connection you can wire up the popper body...


Grab some poppers, you may have to twist / cut the old wire form your popper you want to re-wire...These are fresh off the dryer.


Thread the wire in with the grommet, this is also where you would replace swivels etc... Make sure the wire passes through the swivel eye ;) I line up the tow point eye to where I like it ( horizontal ) If you want to run single hooks remember to bend the wire on the tail horizontal aswell.


Next up, add the weight or however your lure goes together and grab right down tight with the pliers ( narrow end )

Edited by ReelAppealLures
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Again, use your thumb and bend to 45 degrees.


Re-position the pliers further up to form the eye of the wrap.


Push the wire over with your thumb.


Grab the tag end with the Vise Grips, and start the wraps keeping the wire tight and tidy.


Keep wrapping, the wire will soon become tight.


Before going any further, check to see how your eye lines up, make any adjustment before the next step.


Squeeze the wrap, you will feel the last wrap "pop" under the others. This will pull the wire tight, sometimes you may be able to make another wrap and squeeze again. Be careful you could split the body going to tight :o


You could snip off the tag now and you would be done. The secret is to keep the wrap as short as possible to limit any leverage.


I personally double back up my wrap because I like the look and its a bit "beefier"


All done, go fishing ;)

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Thank you to all of you, espescially REELAPPEALLURES. The photos helped very much. Now I'm off to find a Circlip pliers. Thanks once again guys. I am working on a European muskie lure that is not available in the U.S. I came accross it in the 2011 In-Fisherman Pike and Muskie Guide. The article was by Jack Penny, titled: Penny's top ten lures for pike. Any one seen it?

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