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Rattle Paint + Topcoat Ideas

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Hey I need some help. I am painting my lures with rattle cans. What would be a good brand? Rustoleum? what should I look out for? I sealed my lure with Sanding Sealer (minwax). Also, I need something I can just dip my lure in and let dry after I paint it for a topcoat.. Any suggestions ?

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When I used rattle cans, I used Dap Touch 'n Tone paints because that's what my local lumber yard carried, and it was cheap.

Dap makes a clear acrylic rattle can sealer that went on really well over the paint.

Recoat time for all the Dap rattle can paints was within the first hour, or after 24 hours, so I'd do the entire paint job, including three coats of the clear, in an hour, waiting 10 minutes between coats.

Then I'd let it sit for a few days to cure out. I could tell when the paint got hard.

My buddy hung one of my wooden rattle can painted baits on a buoy line, and we had to wait a week to retrieve it. The water never bothered the finish at all.

Edited by mark poulson
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When I used rattle cans, I used Dap Touch 'n Tone paints because that's what my local lumber yard carried, and it was cheap.

Dap makes a clear acrylic rattle can sealer that went on really well over the paint.

Recoat time for all the Dap rattle can paints was within the first hour, or after 24 hours, so I'd do the entire paint job, including three coats of the clear, in an hour, waiting 10 minutes between coats.

Then I'd let it sit for a few days to cure out. I could tell when the paint got hard.

My buddy hung one of my wooden rattle can painted baits on a buoy line, and we had to wait a week to retrieve it. The water never bothered the finish at all.

Thanks ill look into that!

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IMHO I would go with the small model enamel cans for models you can get a wide assortment of colors from pearls and candys to transparent's and can be picked up a wally-world. For the most used colors(white,black and green) I used krylon indoor out door then the normal D2T top coat. As for a dip Dick nite or you can use polyclearic from the local Hardware just dip and let stand I do 3 coats with a 30min set in between.

Edited by hillbilly1
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