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I am new to making soft plastics and had a few questions? I am going to order some mold from basstackle.com, just some basic mold. I was wanting to know how do you keep the plastic hot will your injesting the molds? I got a 6oz injestor and all my molds are 2 cavity molds except for one worm mold. Should i use a hot plate or just keep microing it? Also do you put your dye in before you heat or after, And where is the best place to purchase the plastic dye from? Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated.



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Like Longhorn said I posted some videos of how I do it. It is not the only way just the way that works for me. I know you mentioned a hot plate but what I use is a griddle with high sides. I do not put the pyrex or anchor cups directly on a heat source. You can use a hot plate but do your self a favor and put a pot on first and then the cups. The griddle is set as high as it will go(400) and will keep the plastic hot for a few shots before you have to reheat. My reheats are real short times, no more than a minute but more like 30 sec. Also you will need to keep stiring as the top of the cups will cool faster than the bottom. I am sure you will love the quality of the mold you are getting and the injector is top notch. Put some pics in the gallery when you get going. As for favorite sources for supplys, I dont have a favorite or go to place that has everything. So I use pretty much all of them, they all have products I use and cant get from the other. Good luck Frank

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