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Jig Head Mold

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Hi all,

Its been a while since my last post but i have decided to pour my own jig heads and have a few questions.

I really like the look of the do it gamakatsu mold but im looking for a mold/s to pour multiple 1/16,1/8 and 1/4 jigs at a time, i would also like to use 1/0 and 2/0 gama hooks and would like the ability rhe use 2x hooks from time to time.

I know im asking a lot but if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


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Buy the "production" mold from Do-It if they have the jig you like. Gammy hooks may mean you will have to do a little modification to the mold if they don't fit right.

It is not that hard to open up the area for the larger hook to fit right. Goodluck.

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Um, the Gamakatsu 604 and Gami or Ultra Point 2x are dissimilar enuf to require separate molds for consitently optimal pours. The 604s have a shorter eye leg than standard Aberdeens but the 2x hooks have even shorter eye legs and bigger diameter eye rings per size. Myself, have separate Aberdeen, 604, & 2x ball head molds. Can one mold fit all hooks? - possible, but fits might be sloppy allowing melt bleed into hook eye cavities and shank slots, plus excessive vertical movement in eye cavs possibly resulting in off angle shank sits.

Lots of Do-it production round head mold possibilities, but mods might be required for 604 & 2x. The Shakey molds will fit 604s stock, maybe 2xs. I can check mine for fits if you're interested.

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