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Anyone Find A Source For The Wire Bait Keepers?

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Which wire keepers are you looking for? I believe the two sources you mentioned make all the wire products for the fishing industry, however they won't break them out by the 1000 count. If you find a source PM me. Also I believe Mustang Wire might be out of business. I tried calling their number and it is disconnected, unless they have a different number now or may have moved. Anyway let me know what you find.

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If you are looking at the simple wire hook to make a trailer keeper out of, you can get 1000 from Battlefield Wire for 20 dollars instead of paying out the nose for 100. Heck, I waste $20 on a good meal.

I get the 6" ones in the smallest diameter from BW and they work great. I've modified my Do-It molds to take the wire below the hook shaft and lay it in there with the hook pointed down. Take a small triangle file and open up the bottom side of the hook shaft slot just a bit until the mold closes with the hook and wire in it. Pretty simple deal.

You have to clip off the wire to fit the mold and bend the end that goes inside the lead so it doesn't pull out. I don't know if it would but with the bend it definately doesn't with the end bent. Best trailer keeper I've ever used, way better than the molded lead keepers.

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