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Air Pockets In Beaver

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I am having problems pouring beavers. I have the discountinued beaver mold. I am getting an air pocket in the same exact place when pouring. The air pocket is located in the top of one of the flappers. I have tried pouring at a higher temp (350-360) and it helps a little bit, but I still have the air pocket. Any tips on how to get the air pocket out?

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what plastic are you using? i would suspect a medium compound try a little softer plastic. i had 12 of the discontinued 2 and 4 cavity beaver molds and they all preferred soft plastic over medium as it will pour thinner streams at a cooler temperature. they will hand inject if you have an adapter made to hit the smaller opening but you run the risk of flashing and also forcing plastic out all of the vent runners as well.

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I have the 4 cavity mold also and the things that help me are pouring very slow to start and like PW said, right down the middle. I use medium calhoun on this mold. I also like to warm my mold a touch. Make sure the small vents are clear too. Hope that helps.

Edited by Zbass
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yes del-mart made the prototype molds for andre back i believe it was 2000 or 2001 before they were ever patented. i think it was 2..6 or 2007 when the patent was finally bought as it sat in limbo for a couple of years. you know alot of people think that the term "beaver" refers to that design but andre himself was actually quoted after his 2nd flw win on Beaver lake in AR on the same prototype bait that this was his new lucky beaver lake bait and it stuck. but all that aside yes there were 3 sizes made 3.5 4.25 amd 5.0" and all cavities from singles to 6 cavities.

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yes del-mart made the prototype molds for andre back i believe it was 2000 or 2001 before they were ever patented. i think it was 2..6 or 2007 when the patent was finally bought as it sat in limbo for a couple of years. you know alot of people think that the term "beaver" refers to that design but andre himself was actually quoted after his 2nd flw win on Beaver lake in AR on the same prototype bait that this was his new lucky beaver lake bait and it stuck. but all that aside yes there were 3 sizes made 3.5 4.25 amd 5.0" and all cavities from singles to 6 cavities.

Thanks for the info! Now I just need to see if I can find a 3.5" one for sale. RI does not make a solid black bait so I need to make some myself.


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