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Sculpey Clay Master In Pop

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hey guys,

just wondering if anyone else had problems creating a hand pour mold using a sculpey clay master and PoP?? I applied a releasing agent before pouring the mold, but the mold dries very tightly around the master, and since its not plastic it doesn't easily come out after curing. I end up destroying the mold trying to get the damn thing out...

I even tried setting some small screws in the top of the master to have something to pull with and equally distribute when pulling it out of the mold. Still no luck.



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CB I have been using sculpy clay for about three years now and really like it very much when carving up my baits. One tip I can give you is to primer the clay once you have it formed. Follow up by wet sanding the bait to remove all the sanding marks, If you have really deep sanding grooves you can always apply glazing puddy over the grooves . Re sand and apply a second coat of primer sand again and the bait should be ready for casting. Once you mold box is ready fasten you bait to the box and apply some pam cooking spray over the bait and inside the mold box. This lubricant will help you release your bait out of the POP. I hope this helps you with your projects.


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