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Airbrush Spitting!

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My HF cheapo unit is spitting. I am using cheap hobby store paints. They were really thick so I thinned them down a little with water about 70/30. (70 paint 30 water). Could it be that I over thinned or is this a problem with the airbrush. When I say spitting I dont mean just a little. This thing is letting out a big splat of paint. It sprays nice for a few strokes then boom. Is it the brush or the paint?

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Sounds to me like your paint is still too thick. Have you tried spraying straight water through it? If it sprays water with no trouble try thinning the paint to the consistency of skim milk and see what happens. It could also mean your the nozzle is trying to clog. Are you sure it's clean?


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that water squirting in the middle while your painting is most likely caused by condensed water in the air line. there are 2 things that you can do to counter this, get a coiled air hose and adding a moisture trap on your compressor like gekhang already suggested. its really pain in the ass when that happens believe me i know :D

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Hobby paint contains larger paint grains than airbrush paint. There's no standard paint particle size in hobby paint, so you get what you get. The large particles stick and partially clog the airbrush, while the water passes through the tip as a splatter. Some hobby paints work OK, some have larger paint particles and cause more problems. Using a large tip airbrush can solve the problem somewhat but that's not the direction in which most crankbait painters want to move. Eventually, your hair will begin falling out and you'll develop a facial tic. Then you'll concede defeat and start using airbrush paint. It works so much better that you'll say "Damn the modest extra cost!". Hair will start growing again, the tic will disappear, and life will be sweet.

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First off, Thanks for all of this information.

My compressor is a Badger and it doesnt have a tank. Can this type still have water issues?

The stuff that splats out is very thin looking only like tinted water. It doesnt look like paint. Some Americana brand green wiped right off of the base coat of Americana brand white. Leaving no trace of itself. So it isnt acting like paint. I did run the paint thru a strainer but it isnt as tight as pantyhose. Maybe I can ask the little woman if I can have hr old pantyhose. This is going to go over well. LOL I wonder if this is why the designer named his bait a sexy shad?

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  On 10/22/2011 at 3:25 PM, Sonny.Barile said:

First off, Thanks for all of this information.

My compressor is a Badger and it doesnt have a tank. Can this type still have water issues?

The stuff that splats out is very thin looking only like tinted water. It doesnt look like paint. Some Americana brand green wiped right off of the base coat of Americana brand white. Leaving no trace of itself. So it isnt acting like paint. I did run the paint thru a strainer but it isnt as tight as pantyhose. Maybe I can ask the little woman if I can have hr old pantyhose. This is going to go over well. LOL I wonder if this is why the designer named his bait a sexy shad?

Yes you still need a water trap......And pantyhose is about the best strainer you can get.......And the name sexy shad was a commit made by Mark Zona to KVD one day when they were fishing together.....KVD was testing the bait color for strike king and Mark made the statement that it looked like a sexy shad....KVD has been kickin butt with it ever since ........ :twocents:

Edited by Double Trouble Lures
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Something was wrong with the brush. I put just water in as instructed and it wouldnt spray. I loosened the chuck screw and pulled the needle out less than a hair. This helped it to spray but it was in bursts as opposed to steady flow. I pulled it out just a little more and it cuts out totally. I packed it up and brought it back to HF. No more on the shelf either. They had two of a different model left and I took them both. They were on sale for $7.99 My wife had a flyer in the car with a coupon to get 1 for $4.99

Hopefully this will work better for me...........

Edited by Sonny.Barile
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  On 10/24/2011 at 2:15 AM, Sonny.Barile said:

Something was wrong with the brush. I put just water in as instructed and it wouldnt spray. I loosened the chuck screw and pulled the needle out less than a hair. This helped it to spray but it was in bursts as opposed to steady flow. I pulled it out just a little more and it cuts out totally. I packed it up and brought it back to HF. No more on the shelf either. They had two of a different model left and I took them both. They were on sale for $7.99 My wife had a flyer in the car with a coupon to get 1 for $4.99

Hopefully this will work better for me...........

I think you will still need a water trap......Good luck

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I believe no matter what AB you use, you're going to get condensation in the hose. I would use an inline filter between the brush and the hose in addition to the one that comes off the compressor. I think if you would have taken the needle completely out it would have continued to spit. I think your nozzle was just clogged. Other than being clogged and/or having moisture, there is really nothing else that could go wrong with one. IMO

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I messed around with the new external mix brushes tonight and I actually like them. I was able to spray the very same paint that I was failing with in the other Brush. Im not sure if it was the brush or me but these external mix models seem easier for me to use for basic painting as I have very limited painting skills. As far as the trap is concerned, Badger has one that fits the compressor but it is $50. HF had a fewdiferent models for less than half of that but Im not sure which one can adapt to my compressor. I think they have an in-line filter also. Im going to go back with my fittings so I can match up the correct stuff.

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what i did for my set up was keep one small moisture trap at the compressor before the quick connect and then ran my standard airline hose to the room where i paint and then i have a rig with a male quick connect going to 1/4 pipe - then i have my 2nd regulator (one on compressor set at 45 psi this one dials it down to spray pressure) then it goes into another filter/moisture trap, then pressure guage and finally to my airbrush hose

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to sonny, i have the same HF airbrush and the little air compressor they had. i had the same problem with the spitting. and i have some Americana paint from a craft store i just thinned it out a bunch! then it started to work alright. i think the water trap is going to be my next purchase though.

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Sonny...take your needle out and push it back in harder if you can..sometimes that will fix your spitting problem. If that doesnt work.. THROW THAT JUNK IN THE TRASH AND BUY YOURSELF A GOOD GUN! Then make sure you clean it out good after you use it. A happy gun is a clean gun. Your spitting problem is not your paint. Its your GUN

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If you want to try cleaning the nozzle, the best way is to rip a corner from a paper towel, rolling it up tightly into tall, skinny cone. Tight as you can, nearly to the breaking point. Then soak in acetone, or if you don't have that, alcohol.The tip of this cone should be sharp looking. Insert the "sharp" end into the fat side of the nozzle until it exits from the nozzle end. Grab the point and pull the paper tight into the nozzle, maybe twisting as you pull.

Next, put a few more drops of acetone or alcohol on the paper, leave the nozzle upside down, and allow to soak a few minutes.

After the soak, add a few more drops and begin working the paper towel round and round by twisting the sharp end where it comes out of the nozzle. Do this for at least a couple of minutes, and really put some elbow grease into it. Keep the paper wet with solvent. Repeat with one or two more PT corners.

If your nozzle is clogged, this should isolate / eliminate the problem if done diligently.

I have a bunch of partially full bottles of Createx airbrush paint I want to get rid of pretty cheap. Good bass colors. PM me if you want.

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