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Soft Plastic Cookbook

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AmerRebel, I never tried this recipe dont even know if it is supposed to be similiar to zooms. I am sure it came off of TU along time ago and it is not mine but you might want to try it.

4 oz. plastic

2 drops white

1/8 tsp. white pearl powder

fine gold and black flake

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Thanks very much to all for sharing info and the great ideas.I have two questions.

1) Is there a place where you can buy a kit of all these colors to experiment with.

2) Does anyone have a good glow in the dark recipe that they could post with the amounts.I am trying to get a green glow in the dark effect for the bottom half of a minnow bait I am working on..In the light the bottom half looks like a pale yellow and in the dark it glows green. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me with this problem.

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Question: I see that most of these recipes are showing drops of color added. Since a big drop and little drop can very drastically does anyone out there use milliliters or cc's in their recipes? I would think using a syringe with these markings would make the colors much more consistent, and once you counted drops per milliliter you could even convert them in these formulas and make it quicker and easier. Any thoughts?



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While I wait for my shipment, I have some time available and am so excited about the idea of making own lures, I cannot help myself.

So I am willing (if it is good idea... )to make a pdf file with all the recipes and color images.

Was actually playing with this concept for myself to have all the info in a table. What you say? Not trying to steal or copy anybody, I am offering my time to help getting all recipes into a TU downloadable pdf.

if you all agree, then I can start with what we have here already but most do not have images yet, and will be helpfull if you can sent some images through as well and maybe more recipes.

Just a thought!

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  On 7/19/2012 at 4:13 AM, AweStarCustomBaits said:

Hey Soft, I tried that already, it comes out too light. I was thinking about watermelon with a small drop of green pumpkin. But before I wasted a whole lot of Plastic I thought I'd ask first. You got the glitter right on.

I'd try what powerworm said or use a few more drops of watermelon. Sometimes you gotta waste a little plastic to get what you want. Add 1 drop at a time until you get what you want.

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Salftfishers doc version of a cookbook attached:








PLASTIC COLOR COOKBOOK.docFetching info...

PLASTIC COLOR COOKBOOK.docFetching info...

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"Salftfishers doc version of a cookbook attached:

Attached Files

  • doc.gifPLASTIC COLOR COOKBOOK.doc 35.87K 1 downloads"

What Version of Word was this created in ?

Try converting to plain Text if you can

My version of word will not open it.

Edited by JSC
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