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Guest Anonymous

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You mentioned plastic primer, is that different than regular Krylon primer you can buy at Wal-Mart? I currently use their primer/sealer on my plastic baits prior to painting.

Also, how do you keep the epoxy from eliminating the imprinted scaling detail on the baits?

Since I am a rookie and just learning the how-to's of lure painting, I have a ton of questions!

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Guest Anonymous

Sorry I missed your earlier question. You can get unpainted lures from many different sources:

www.jannsnetcraft.com, www.staminainc.com and redG8ters online shop on this site....... If you are painting old lures, dont remove the old paint. Just sand them with some 2400 grit paper (NOTHING LESS BECAUSE SCRATCHES WILL OPEN TO GAPS) and prime and piant.

I get plastic primer from Home Depot: ps_specialty_plastic.jpg I does not have all the solvent that will create gaps in small unseen sanding lines.

I use standard white primer for wood lures.

As far as the injection molded scale detail, it still shows through the topcoated lure. You just cant feel it.... it still reflects light on the angles of the imprint.

Chip :wink:

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I appreciate the help. A friend that paints lures told me not to sand all the paint off but I thought it would be better if I did. Shows you what I know! It sure would be less work if I didn't, that is for sure.

I didn't see anything that caught my eye on the Stamina site but those scale pattern crankbaits you had in your tutorial sure did! I will take a look again at Stamina and the other sites you mentioned.

Thanks a bunch for the help!

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Guest Anonymous

Yah... those baits are nice. They are from Japan and I cant find a source here. I dont sale them because I have not found a way to supply them. The feller I am making these for is buying all but my last three unpainted.

I am always looking for something unique though.......

Chip :wink:

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