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More Anti-fishing?

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Walmart is using Catch Shares to take control over our nations commercial fishing industry. Catch Shares is a system being pushed through the Federal Government backed by Walton Family Foundation (Walmart). Under this system the annual catch quotas are divided in to catch shares that can be to be leased, bought and sold as commodities. This system requires commercial fishing operations to purchase catch shares to fish. Catch Shares represent the transferring of wealth of our fish populations from the public trust into private hands by allowing private ownership of commodities. When catch shares are given to fishermen, those who receive the largest initial distribution of shares are those who have the most capital to purchase the most shares. Those who have the most shares often gain control over the entire fishery. Smaller-scale traditional fishermen are pushed out of the fishery and opens the door for large companies take over. Please see below for details on catch shares. This is the direction that we are headed Walmart has their way. It's not good. The link below breaks it down.



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This is in essence the same scam the government is trying to pull with the carbon credits non-sense. A non-existant product as a commodity. Wall Street will own nature................and sell it to the highest bidder..............who in turn will rape it.

We started this by not fighting back when the US government put bag limits on "ocean catch" for the citizen angler. That in itself was unconstitutional and they got away with it...............

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This is in essence the same scam the government is trying to pull with the carbon credits non-sense. A non-existant product as a commodity. Wall Street will own nature................and sell it to the highest bidder..............who in turn will rape it.

We started this by not fighting back when the US government put bag limits on "ocean catch" for the citizen angler. That in itself was unconstitutional and they got away with it...............

You get it and your right they did get away it because the 1% owns the politicians and they get away with whatever they want..Anglers should be furious they are selling our fisheries right out from under us and this should be of CRITICAL concern to every Angler (Citizen) in America because our fisheries have remained a public resource shared by both recreational and commercial Anglers since this country began. If the resource is sold off as a commodity then it becomes privately owned by the share holders. Those with the most shares gain control of it. This takes management of our nations fisheries out of the governments (Anglers) hands and put control in the hands of share holders with the most shares who plan to exploit it to the fullest.


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