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Senko plastic formula

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I'm not sure what percentage it would be, but I use 1 teaspoon of salt per ounce of plastic. I use Calhoun plastic; 1 1/2 cup softener and 3 teaspoons of heat stabilizer per gallon. This is for senko replicas only.

I have some baits in the shop that are like rocks. Again, not sure of the percentage, but they are darn near solid salt. They catch fish, but are not very durable. Kinda like another well known stick bait company who shall remain nameless. :lol:

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I mixed the following stuff together and got the closest replica to a s?nko I've come up with yet. B) Stretches almost double, weighs a ton and doesn't feel like it will fly apart when a crappie swims by it like that other companies baits. Del hit it squarely on the head with 3:1 Plastic to Softener.

  • 6 oz Calhoun plastic
    2 oz Softener
    2 oz Fine confectioners salt.
    (Optional Coloring "Uvas Special", use what you want)
    4 drops LC Watermelon
    6 drops LC Pumpkin
    1/2 tsp Large Black flake
    1/2 tsp Hologram String glitter

I'd like to post a pic but my camera is FUBAR. I'm off to punch Owners through these into basses mouths! :twisted:

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