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Food For Thought On New Baits..

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Question for you guys!
For those of you who sell baits... how do you decide which baits to add and when you do ... how many Cavities do you buy at first to be able to produce them? but at the same time not break the bank too much on a bait you arent sure will sell yet?
For example-- if you like a single cavity design and you now want to carry it. Many of use would like to be able to shoot at least to bags a shot. so packs of 6 would be 12 molds. 12 x $50 = $600. Thats alot of cash on a bait that you havent sold yet and that takes alot of bags to make that cost up.
So I was wondering and thought it would be interesting to hear how you all go about adding a new bait to your product line?


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Have patience. Don't look at buying those molds in one shot. Set aside some cash from each order and buy a mold or two as you can afford it. When I poured, I ended up having over 100 cavities of some of my better sellers, BUT.........I bought those molds over several years. Don't look at it as "breaking the bank". Look at it as "rewarding yourself" each time you make a few bucks on a sell.

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