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Is This Bill To Big?

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I feel a line tie placed where bill meet body may work. I would drill where they meet and intstall. Temporary tie for testing . The tie or loop should rest on bill. Might even make loop a little larger to put it out on bill further. If this does not work then I would drill holes centered on the bill you have there. I do not think there is need to place too far out on bill. Maybe an eighth noore than a quarter inch in. Dremel makes a set of bits with smallest bits I have ever seen that are perfect for line tie holes on bill. Good luck. ............Vic

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For me, the best way to see if it will work is to install the hook hangers and line tie, seal it all well, add the hooks, and take it for a test drive.

Like littleriver said, the placement of the line tie is important. The longer the bill, the more it needs to be out on the bill, to give it enough leverage to control the lure's wiggle and not have the bill overpower the lure.

But I don't have any kind of a formula for where to put the line tie. Mostly, I look at other lures of similar size and bill, and use them as a guide.

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I would guess yes. Impossible to say for sure as the amount/distribution of ballast will also have a (significant) effect on whether or not it swims or "blows out" during retrieve. I believe the greater the amount of ballast and more it is to the front, the greater the odds of it swimming. But just from looking at it, nothing too extreme going on in that bait. Ive made similar style baits withi lips at least that size and they swim fine. In fact i have found that larger lips can lead to hunting cranks. And a more erratic action at higher speeds. The more erratic action one can get, the better....as long as the bait still retrieves in an overall straight line and doesnt rolll during the fastest retrieves you reel in at.

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