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Pressure Regulator/moisture Trap Question

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I have been reading a lot about compressors, airbrushes, etc. I have a Paasche D500 Air Compressor. It says that it only delivers .5 C.F.M. @ 20 PSI. Do I need to get a regulator? This seems to be a lot less pressure than delivered than most of your compressors.

What about a moisture trap? Where would I go about getting a Regulator/Moisture Trap, do I need one specifically for a Paasche compressor.

Thank You,


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you can get a moisture trap at the local auto parts store or home depo/hardware store same with the pressure regulator and screw them on where the air hose screws on the air compressor then screw on your air hose you might need fittings for between the two to hook them together but the people at the store can help if your not sure what you need most of the time its just a short peice of 1/4 in or 1/2 inch pipe threaded on both ends and screwed into the regulator/moisture trap to let them do there job and another peice of pipe to screw your air line in

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Yes you need a regulator- You use it to set the air delivery pressure. Depending on what paint you use and the viscosity you will need to set the regulator to different pressures. If you use a long small diameter hose, the pressure you set at the compressor if thats where the regulator is located will not be the same at your airbrush. Also using a moisture trap is a good idea. Crankpaint gives you a way to install it. Just match up connections with fittings.

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