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Clint M

Best Spinnerbait Blades?

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That is a hard question to answer, as it is all subjective. Everyone has their own preferance. I can tell you I have had Worth blades and I think they are excellent. Now I have had Barlow's blades and Jann's Netcraft blades and the Barlow's blades seem to me to be of a better quality. You also have to take into consideration material. Most really good quality blades are stamped brass and then are nickel plated. Stamped steel blades don't even come close to a highly polished nickel blade. Also when I compare these blades, I look at the premium line of each company. Each company has a cheaper blade as well. There are other companies that make quality blades which I have not used. Hopefully you will get a lot more info here from other member's experiences.

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You can get the "Premium" quality of any of the suppliers and most are just that ... but I have found that just because they are there best does not mean that their lesser quality might be better fish producers and that is really the end results that you are lookin for ... Some of the thin light weight blades in a lot of conditions seem to produce better ... To me what is the best is up to what you test and find to be the best for your application.

Just my .02 cents worth (now inflated to $1.02)


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I feel the same as Cadman does, I use Worth blades most of the time as they are the best for me in terms of quality consistancy, price, and performance. Barlows and LPO have some really good premium blades but they are a premium price also . I have found that a good polished brass is better than gold plating in the waters I fish, I believe the gold plating is too bright when light reflects off it while brass has a more subtle flash. Now some do well with highly polished blades like Hildebrandt but for me and dollar for dollard and blade for blade the best is the Worth.

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i use a ton of great blades on my salmon spinners that would most likely be good for you. I listed one of my suppliers in the resources section, Spinner Dave's Custom Designs. Might be worth a look. It is all great stuff and heavy on the larger sizes. Lots of great salmon patterns and finishes--maybe they are worth a look.

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Most of my blades are Worth, Now if you can find some, the Old NETCRAFT (Not Janns Netcraft) blades are really nice blades!!!!!! The new ones aren't bad but the old ones I feel are better.

My last big batch of blades I ordered from Hagens - and even up against the Worths it's a tough call which one is better.

Now I'm not makeing spinner baits but pony jigs, v-spinners for beetle spin type baits and I want good blades on mine.

The absolute best blades I've bought in the last 5 years!! are a bunch of old Weller spinner blades, they are a deep cup and they are just excellent. I use them very sparingly - the coppper ones IMO, beat any copper blade on the market today!!!!!!! and that's saying ALOT.

Swivels - I know some guys who make beautiful spinnerbaits and use a really good crane swivel instead of a ball bearing, and they're catching just as many. That call is up to you though.


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