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I fish in a small boat bass club. Its an individual format, but partners are allowed to fish from the same boat with the obvious mandate they maintain separate bags.

We had this come up in a two day tournament we fished. A father and son fished from the same boat. Son weighed a 5 fish limit both days that came to a 10 fish total of 30 something #'s. Dad weighed one fish in two days of fishing that weighed 2#'s.

Is this possible without some sort of collusion going on in the boat?

Has anyone ever heard of one person just beating the dog out of another person from the same boat?

I would like to think positively on this situation. I don't know either son or father except just by name and face.

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I would thind this is very possible. Especially if they are not fishing a lot of cover. The person at the front of the boat has 1st pick at the cover. They also have control of the boat which determines how fast they are targeting areas. If the person at the rear is uncomfortable fishing fast or forced to fish a weak technique, that could ruin them. It happens in the pros all the time. Pro angler at the front of the boat will way in a 1 day 25# bag and the am at the back of the boat will blank.

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I have beaten alot of partners from the back deck. When I use to compete heavily my mainstay was a buzzbait. We fished alot of tidal rivers along the gulf coast. In the bayou ditches filled with eel gras and elodia a buzzbait was hard to beat. Many of the guys that I fished with used worms and spinnerbaits. I could cover alot more water in a much shorter period of time than they could. Plus the fish just loved the bait. I can think of 4 times off the top of my head when I weighed in a full sack and my partner in the front got the big 0.


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I've fished BFL as a co-angler and can completely understand how the guy on the back deck can get front ended out of fish. Depends upon the pros pattern i.e. if he's paralleling a bank then the co-angler has nothing to fish. But that's a bit different due to the pro paying a bigger entry fee to have complete control of the boat ( and I as a co-angler know that when I pay my money ) . This situation is more like a draw format where each person has his time to fish his way.

And what makes the scenario I've brought up even more unusual, this happened two days in a row. One day on the water, most anything can happen. I just don't think anyone is gonna put on me two days in a row when I've got some input, I'm gonna give up my stubborn pride and go with the flow.

I'm thinking father helped son, maybe not breaking tourny rules but he could've pulled that thing I see on the fly fishing TV shows .... where one guy fishes and the other just hovers around him, watches, and plays like a lackey with the net.

I might add that this tourny format is not the most desirable, but its the best that can be attained under the circumstances.

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We fish mainly partner tournys up here although we also have some that are singles; but that is only one person in the boat.

There was a club here that used the 2 man singles setup but what was happening was that one team won most of the tournys. One time it was the guy in the front and the next it was the guy in the back. People saw right through it and now they don't draw very many boats.

So' yea it can happen that people will cheat if given the chance. No surprise.

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I out fish my Dad all the time......

I will have a limit

Plus bous other kinds of fish, white bass, cats, perch, and crappie.

He will have 2 of 3 empty cig. packs.

Always smoking when the fish are biting, then wonder why there is no bait on the hook.

Walleye fishing.

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