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How Do I Make My (masters) Clay Piece Shiney-for Mold Makeing?

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Ok i am NEW here =] My name is CATS-PURRFECT--HELLO my new found friendss =]

Ok i do VACUUM FORMING to reproduce my OWN sculpted molds....NOW...here is were i run into problems =P

Ok i sculpt my piece in clay...now i BAKE it....then i sand everything SMOOTH..but now my clay piece is DULL..

My question is..what can i do or use to make my MASTER --Shiny and stay SHINY..I have heard someone on here saying to use a GEL COAT...but they do not explain what GEL COAT..and how do i use that??

Another person said use BONDO BODFILLER..still how do i use that? I read this on here no one has actually told me anything..but i need to know cause if i can get my clay piece to stay shiney ...then when i reproduce more molds then the molds i make will allll come out SHINEY and the person that buys my RESIN MOLDS will have no problem shineing it cause they DO NOT need to --It pops out shiney already...unfortunatly i make the molds but the molds come out DULL...

I really need someone to explain this to me ..and if there is a tutorial on how to use the GEL COAT---and---the BONDO BODYFILLER---PLEASE!!! let me know..I am online now ..PLEASE i need someone to help me out .



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To : Lobina Fiend :?

Ok Thank you but how long do i leave my Plaster of paris in the oven for ---to get the moisture out? and how do i put the THINNED-OUT D2T on my plaster of paris MASTER ? Do i use a BRUSH??--How? will that make my master stay shiney?..remember that master needs to be SHINEY in order for my MOLDS to come out shiney too?

Thank you PLEASE!! help me ..I am still stumped!!== GOD bless you for taking the time to help a female out on here


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im confused here... your orignal question does not make sense. You vacuum form a master? how do you mold the vacuum form in RTV? And why waste that much time replicating it as your not going to get anything different? It the vacuum form the actual mold? If so how are you going to cast resin in it? That stuff bonds to just about anything but RTV even with mold release. Why do you want it to be "shiney"? the bait is going to be painted anyway. Do you mean very smooth?

Sorry ive been staring out this post wondering...what are you talking about

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It made more sense but he deleted other posts.

He makes masters and wants to give them a smooth finish. He did not want basic information to seal with a generic product name. He wants specific name of product to use. He will then use the masters to make vacuum formed molds. He does not make fishing lures but makes molds chocolate candies, jewelry, etc.. and wants to expand his line of products to sell. I have no idea what temperatures the molds will stand up to or even care after it became clear his intention and how he was asking (more of commanding) and the fact the words he decided to emphasis with CAPITALIZATION.

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