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Recipe Needed

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Searched the cookbook to no avail. I'm wondering if anyone has attempted a Chartreuse Shad like the one by... (is it okay to mention a website where I found the bait I'd like to try?) I believe I'm close, but many of you know how just one step in the wrong order with these type schemes can make all the difference. Any help would be appreciated.

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Cant tell for sure by the picture and never sprayed it but it looks simple enough...i would start with something like this

1. Plain white Base and spray a brown (or even copper) over very lightly to "dirty it up" (emphasized on the head)

2. Light gray back and shoulders, then spray metallic blue over gray lightly.

3. Cover in netting and spray pearl white and light black vertical bars through comb

4. Remove netting and spray chartruese belly, black back, shad spot, and yellow horizontal line

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if you can get a real good picture, I would suggest taking it to your local auto paint supplier. I'm always strolling into my local paint shop, they have the good stuff! Of course, you might be paying $25 an ounce too depending on the color. They will most times be able to give you info on how the paint should be applied to get the desired look (especially important with pearls and flip/flops).

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